USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) - Wikipedia
USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), formerly CVA-63, was a United States Navy supercarrier. She was the second naval ship named after Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the site of the Wright brothers' first powered airplane flight. Kitty Hawk was the first of the three Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carriers to be commissioned and the last to be decommissioned.
小鷹號航空母艦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
小鷹號航空母艦(USS Kitty Hawk CV-63),原編號CVA-63,是美國海軍的航空母艦之一,採傳統動力設計,屬於小鷹級航空母艦的一員,除了是服役最久的同級艦之外,也是美國海軍最後一艘退役的傳統動力航空母艦。
小鹰号航空母舰 - 百度百科
小鹰号航空母舰(英文:USS Kitty Hawk CV-63),是美国海军隶下的一型常规动力航空母舰,是美国海军小鹰级航空母舰的首舰。 小鹰号航空母舰是在福莱斯特级航空母舰的基础上发展而来,其主要任务是用舰载机对水面、空中和陆上目标进行攻击作战。
Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier - Wikipedia
Three were built, all in the 1960s, Kitty Hawk (CV-63) (1961–2009), Constellation (CV-64) (1961–2003), and America (CV-66) (1965–1996), as well as the variant John F. Kennedy (CV-67) (1967–2007). All are now decommissioned.
USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) - Unofficial US Navy Site
Initially commissioned as attack aircraft carrier CVA 63, she was redesignated as multi-purpose aircraft carrier CV 63 April 29, 1973. Since August 1998, KITTY HAWK was homeported in Yokosuka, Japan, where she relieved the USS INDEPENDENCE (CV 62) as the only forward deployed aircraft carrier in the Navy.
USS KITTY HAWK (CV-63) Deployments & History - HullNumber.com
CV-63 General Specifications. Class: Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier. Named for: Kitty Hawk. Complement: 5624 Officers and Enlisted . Displacement: 61351 tons. Length: 1 068.9 feet . Beam: 282 feet . Flank Speed: 33 knots
CV-63 USS Kitty Hawk Aircraft Carrier US Navy CVW CVA - Seaforces
May 12, 2009 · USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) departs Yokosuka, Japan for the final time. Sayonara is Japanese for "goodbye" - May 28, 2008. During the late 1500's, European colonists began to settle along the Outer Banks in North Carolina. By the early 1700s, settlers established a community in an area north of Cape Hatteras.
美国航空母舰之五十一——CV-63“小鹰”号 - Semantic Scholar
CV-63“小鹰”号航空母舰是美国海军继“福莱斯特”级之后建造的最大一级、也是最后一级常规动力航母“小鹰”级的首制舰,也是美国海军中第二艘以“小鹰”命名的战舰,被人们称为“超级航母”。 迄今仍在服役中的“小鹰”号创下了世界航母服役时间最长的记录,同时又因其母港在日本横须贺而成为世界上唯一一艘长期前沿部署的航空母舰。 Sorry, we did not find any related papers. What Is Semantic Scholar? Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific …
USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63/CV-63) - NHHC
On 23 Jan 2003 USS Kitty Hawk CVA-63) operated off the Korean Peninsula in response to rising tensions generated by North Korean military developments, primarily the latter's nuclear weapons...
Kitty Hawk II (CVA-63) - NHHC
Dec 13, 2018 · By removing the letter A, describing attack, the new designation CV could indicate a multi-role ship capable of air, surface and ASW roles, depending upon the types of aircraft embarked and...