CV-2000 - Wikipedia
CV-2000 was one of the world's first home video tape recorders (VTR), introduced by Sony in August, 1965. [1] The 'CV' in the model name stood for 'Consumer Video' (消費者向けビデオ, …
数字图像传感器/控制器 - CV-2000 | 基恩士中国官方网站
基恩士中国的 cv-2000 系列 中的 cv-2000, 数字图像传感器/控制器 。
CV-2000 explained
The CV-2000 was one-tenth the weight and price of other analog video recording products of its era. It recorded television programs in black and white using the skip field process, which …
CV-2000系列用 数字速度黑白摄像机 - CV-020 | 基恩士中国官方网站
CV-020. 图像接收模块. 1/3型黑白CCD拍摄元件、正方格全像素倍速读取、35万像素. 扫描系统. 1/60s渐进、1/120s交错. 转移系统. 数字串行总线. 电子快门. 1/60、1/120、1/240、1/500 …
Digital Image Sensor/Controller CV-2000 - KEYENCE
Digital Image Sensor/Controller CV-2000 *Please note that accessories depicted in the image are for illustrative purposes only and may not be included with the product. Data Sheet (PDF)
CV-2000 - Detailed Pedia
CV-2000 was one of the world's first home video tape recorders (VTR), introduced by Sony in August, 1965. The 'CV' in the model name stood for 'Consumer Video'. This was Sony's …
成像式色度计 CV-2000 - COLOR VISION | 视彩光电
CV-2000是Color Vision推出的一台成像式亮度色度计,能通过影像的方式快速得到样品的亮度和色度的分布信息,2000万像素为测试提供了高分辨率细节。 CV-2000可以广泛应用于FPD显示/ …
CV-2000是Color Vision推出的⼀款⾼性价⽐的成像式亮度⾊度计,2000万像素为测试提供了⾼分辨率细节。CV-2000可以通过快速⼀次成像来获得亮度⾊度分布信息;通过以⽤户样品进⾏亮 …
CV-2000是Color Vision推出的⼀台成像式亮度⾊度 计,能通过影像的⽅式快速得到样品的亮度和⾊度的分布信 息,2000万像素为测试提供了⾼分辨率细节。 CV-2000可以⼴泛应⽤于FPD显 …