Specific Heat Capacity of Air: Isobaric and Isochoric Heat …
Specific heat (C) is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of a mass unit of a substance by one degree. Isobaric specific heat (Cp ) is used for air in a constant pressure (ΔP = 0) system. I sochoric specific heat (Cv ) is used for air in a constant-volume (isovolumetric or isometric) closed system. Note!
Gases - Specific Heat and Individual Gas Constants
Online calculator with figures and tables showing specific heat (Cp and Cv) of dry air vs. temperature and pressure. SI and imperial units. Specific heats for some common liquids and fluids - acetone, oil, paraffin, water and many more. …
Specific Heat Capacities of Air - (Updated 7/26/08) - Ohio University
The nominal values used for air at 300 K are C P = 1.00 kJ/kg.K, C v = 0.718 kJ/kg.K,, and k = 1.4. However they are all functions of temperature, and with the extremely high temperature range experienced in internal combustion and gas turbine engines one can obtain significant errors.
Ideal gas properties of air are provided in Table E-1. The specific internal energy provided in Table E-1 is computed by integration of the ideal gas specific heat capacity at constant volume: The data in Table E-1 have been obtained from EES.
定容比热容 - 百度百科
在物体体积不变的情况下,单位质量的某种物质温度升高1K (开尔文)所需吸收的热量,叫做该种物质的“定容比热容”以符号Cv表示,国际单位是:J/(kg·K)。
Individual and Universal Gas Constants - Engineers Edge
Individual and Universal Gas Constants. Universal gas constant is a physical constant that is featured in the ideal gas law and other fundamental equations in the physical sciences.
Thermodynamics 4.3-4.5 Flashcards - Quizlet
An ideal gas (cv = 2 kJ/kg⋅K, cp = 3 kJ/kg⋅K) is heated from 100 to 200°C. Determine k, the ratio of specific heats.
Properties of Various Ideal Gases (at 300 K) - Ohio University
Properties of Various Ideal Gases (at 300 K) Gas: Formula: Molar Mass: Gas constant: Specific Heat at Const. Press. Specific Heat at Const. Vol. Specific Heat
Specific Heats Common Gases - Engineers Edge
Ideal-gas specific heats of various common gases At 300 K. Note: The unit kJ/kg · K is equivalent to kJ/kg · °C.
Calculator compressed air energy storage - Tribology
Compared to batteries, compressed air is favorable because of a high energy density, low toxicity, fast filling at low cost and long service life. These issues make it technically challenging to design air engines for all kind of compressed air driven vehicles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed-air_energy_storage).