How doTERRA Guarantees Pure Essential Oils
To ensure each bottle of essential oil is pure and free of contaminants or synthetic fillers, doTERRA created the CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade ® protocol.
Pure doTERRA Essential Oils Through CPTG Quality Testing
The CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade quality protocol includes the following tests: Organoleptic testing; Microbial testing; Gas chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Fourier Transform …
Canadian Phlebotomy Technicians Group Inc. – Let phlebotomy ...
As the certifying body of Phlebotomy, our mission is to represent and support Phlebotomy Technicians in their field of practice to ensure excellent standards of patient care are met and …
Cómo doTERRA Garantiza los Aceites Esenciales Puros
El Protocolo de Certificado y Probado como Puro y de Calidad (CPTG) Para garantizar que cada botella de aceite esencial sea pura y esté libre de contaminantes o rellenos sintéticos, …
doTERRA CPTG: What It Means for Essential Oils
You may have heard or seen doTERRA calling their essential oils, ‘CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade.’ But what exactly does this mean? Well, the problem is that there is no …
CPTG® - Zertifizierung und Testmethoden - Pure Pflanzen ...
CPTG ist eine Garantie-Formel von doTERRA. Was bedeutet das? CPTG- „certified pure tested grade“ steht nicht nur für höchste Reinheit, sondern ist auch eine Garantie dafür, daß in den …
Der CPTG© Prozess wurde über mehrere Jahre hinweg entwickelt. dōTERRAs wissenschaftliche Experten haben jahrelange Erfahrung mit ätherischen Ölen und wissen, wie CPTG ätherische …
What You Should Know About Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
Now the term “Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils” (shortened: CPTG™), was coined by essential oil brand doTERRA. One may think the words “certified” point to a 3rd party …