Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) under PEC Act and CPD Byelaws-2008, is earnestly working for the professional growth and skill enhancement of ever growing engineering community. Under CPD framework, the engineers (both PEs and REs) are required to learn innovative and soft skills to be more effective in playing productive role towards nation ...
Login - cpd.pec.org.pk
Only Engineers Registered With PEC Can Login. Please use same CNIC & Password as in Engineers Registration Portal (portal.pec.org.pk)
CPD Brief - cpd.pec.org.pk
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) under PEC Act and CPD-Byelaws, is earnestly working for the professional growth and skill enhancement of ever growing engineering community. Under CPD framework, the engineers (both PEs and REs) are required to learn innovative and soft skills to be more effective in playing productive role towards nation ...
Introduction to EPE - cpd.pec.org.pk
For assessment of competence, knowledge and skills of a Registered Engineer (RE) for elevation towards Professional Engineer (PE), Engineering Practice Examination (EPE) is a constituted part of CPD framework.
Engineer's CPD Profile - cpd.pec.org.pk
The CPD programs include additional qualifications, professional skills, relevant management and communication skills acquired through additional training and experience. These aspects are grouped into the following four different categories of training, namely
CPD Short Courses and Training - cpd.pec.org.pk
CPD Short Courses and Training In order to provide quality training and skills to the engineers (both RE & PE), PEC regularly organizes short courses and trainings on emerging topics as well as technical and management aspects.
Introduction to CPD - cpd.pec.org.pk
PEC Regional Offices facilitates PEBs in organizing CPD activities. PEC also conducts CPD courses itself thought the country in coordination with Regional and Branch Offices with nominal charges from engineer participants.
Online Courses - cpd.pec.org.pk
Calculator of CPD Points Online Courses To provide opportunity to the engineers to attend from anywhere in the world using their Video- link, computer/laptop fitted video camera on the emerging topics where during lecture quiz, practicing exercises or later assignment submission would be the ultimate mode of assessment.
Home Introduction to CPD CPD Bye-Laws 2008 (amended upto October 31, 2017) Engineering Professional Development Committee (EPDC) Introduction Organogram; CPD Guideline Manual CPD Relaxed Policy CPD Brief; PEC Approved Resource Person. List of Resourse Person Criteria for Resourse Person ; Important News for Engineers
Professional Engineering Body (PEB) - cpd.pec.org.pk
Professional institutions and associations, CPD academies, engineering universities or colleges and private institutions, registered by the Council may impart CPD activities. All these institutions, associations and other bodies shall be known as Professional Engineering Bodies (PEBs)