Driver Download - CME
UF Editor is a tool software for CME UF Master Keyboard. UF Editor can edit,transfer and screen all message which is sent by UF,in order to use your UF more convenience and more powerful.
CME UF6 Master MIDI Controller Keyboard with ASX Expansion - Reverb
CME UF6 61 Key Controller Keyboard Specifications: * 61-key semi-weighted action keyboard with aftertouch * Pitch bend and modulation wheels * 8 assignable control knobs, preset functions including Cutoff; Resonance; Attack; Release; PAN; Reverb; Chorus; Tempo * 9 assignable control faders, preset functions including volume for 1-16 channels and
CME - UF6 - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
UF系列新驱动1.02版,包含Cakewalk,Cubase, Logic, Nuendo 和 Sonar音乐软件控制模板。 请先将原来的驱动卸载,再安装新驱动. “火键”是目前全世界功能最强大、适用范围最广的全能主键盘,其多项人性化的设计以及功能的创新,为广大键盘手、电脑音乐爱好者、制作人都提供了更加广阔的发挥余地,而49键到88键适应了更多用户的需要。 集合了合成器、电钢琴、电子琴、MIDI主键盘、音乐工作站功能,创新的外观、专业的品质、再配合中音售后服务保证的”火键” …
CME火键UF6 MIDI键盘eNet评测 - 中音 - 中国数字音乐的开拓者
而收到这款uf6键盘就是中音cme火键系列midi键盘中的一员生力军。 开门见山,先看看中音CME系列键盘让人振奋的地方 “火键”是目前全世界范围内性价比最高的全能主键盘
CME UF6 - Gearspace
CME UF6 61-Key MIDI Controller is brings together quality components with topnotch performance to deliver professional control over all your soft synths and synth modules. The blue-tint aluminum body of this CME USB/MIDI Controller is durable and sleek offering a stylish housing for the 61 semi-weighted, velocity-sensitive keys with aftertouch.
CME UF6 USB - 61 Key (C1-C5) Semi-Weighted Synth-Action Keyboard ...
CME UF6 - 61 Key (C1-C6) Semi-Weighted Synth-Action Keyboard. Velocity Sensitive - with four preset velocity curves. Aftertouch Sensitive - with dedicated on/off button. Pitch Bend and Modulation Wheels. 8 Assignable Knobs - preset functions for Filter Cutoff / Resonance / Attack / Release / Pan / Reverb / Chorus / Tempo.
CME UF6 61Key MIDI Controller Keyboard M-LAN-Compatible
The CME UF6 61-Key MIDI Controller brings together quality components with topnotch performance to deliver professional control over all your soft synths and synth modules. The blue-tint aluminum body of this CME USB/MIDI Controller is durable and sleek offering a stylish housing for the 61 semi-weighted, velocity-sensitive keys with aftertouch.
Cme UF6 MIDI Controller Manuals
We have 2 CME UF6 MIDI Controller manuals available for free PDF download: User Manual, Brochure CME UF6 User Manual (24 pages) Professional Master MIDI Keyboard with Built-in USB
CME - UF6 LE - Midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
键盘:uf6 le:61键(c1-c6),(击键力度,带触后)。 功能: 基本功能:USB MIDI、八度切换、移调、踏板、呼吸控制器、MIDI输出、弯音轮、颤音轮、触后、功能按钮;
CME UF6LE 主控键盘评测 - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
那么今天CME考虑市场的大众需求又隆重推出了 UF60的简化版,于是UF6 LE诞生了! 随着变形金刚2的到来,那么UF6 LE这个重磅炸弹也已经全面到货爱新聚福公司了! 一目了然,完全和UF60的样子基本是一模一样,只不过是少去了UF60的控制器部分,那么我们从它的名字也是一目了然了LE嘛….呵呵! 虽然是简化的 LE,但是它的设计者让我们感觉到更人性化,他把控制器的部分做成了我们放电脑鼠标和键盘的地方了,这个还是瞒有意思的! 这个琴仍然是不需要驱 …
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