What are the differences between the CH-46 and the CH-47?
2016年10月3日 · The CH-46 was an adaptation of the same idea, but made smaller and marinized: it had to meet a host of Marine Corps and Navy requirements to fit on amphibious …
Is it possible to fly a tandem-rotor helicopter after a single rotor ...
2016年10月2日 · Tandem-rotor helicopters, such as the Boeing CH-46 Sea Knight and CH-47 Chinook, are helicopters with rotors distant by more than 10 m. Photo by Cpl. Ryan Carpenter …
Newest 'ch-46' Questions - Aviation Stack Exchange
2016年10月3日 · The CH-46 and the CH-47 Chinook are very similar-looking aircraft and seem to serve similar purposes - only though for different branches of the U.S. military. What are the …
Is autorotation possible in a tandem rotored helicopter?
2019年3月11日 · I used to watch the CH-46 doing practice autorotations at an outlying fiend when I was in Norfolk in the 1980's. Given that the CH-46 (and its larger cousin the CH-47) are …
Newest 'auto-rotation' Questions - Aviation Stack Exchange
2024年11月18日 · Tandem-rotor helicopters, such as the Boeing CH-46 Sea Knight and CH-47 Chinook, are helicopters with ...
rotorcraft - Does a dual-rotor helicoptor like the Chinook …
2020年4月8日 · First -collective variation = intensity-cyclic variation = direction. The CH-47 Chinook is a heavy maneuver and assault helicopter manufactured by Boeing.
What makes the MV-22 has lift thrust and its disk loading is so high?
2022年12月6日 · Image source:. The above is comparison table of several rotating wing aircraft's disk loading, especially I highlighted the disk loading of MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor versus CH-47 …
How does the V-22 Osprey share engine power between its rotors?
2017年1月29日 · $\begingroup$...the aircraft is strongly in danger to the proportion of the height, because this side to side rolls will become more and more violent until the aircraft rolls over …
Why did WWII prop aircraft have colored prop tips?
2018年1月13日 · The prop tips are painted for visibility, to show that the prop is turning. This is especially important when the aircraft engine will be running in close proximity to people on the …
military - What are the visual differences between the F/A-18 …
2016年3月5日 · Physically, an EA-18G is a EW derivative of the F/A-18F Super Hornet multirole fighter. This was a cost effective means for the Navy to develop a replacement for the EA-6B …