CDH4 - Wikipedia
Cadherin-4 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CDH4 gene. [5][6][7] This gene is a classical cadherin from the cadherin superfamily. The encoded protein is a calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion glycoprotein composed of five extracellular cadherin repeats, a transmembrane region and a highly conserved cytoplasmic tail.
CDH4 Gene - GeneCards | CADH4 Protein | CADH4 Antibody
Dec 24, 2024 · CDH4 (Cadherin 4) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with CDH4 include Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Seckel Syndrome. Among its related pathways are Cell junction organization and ERK Signaling. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include calcium ion binding. An important paralog of this gene is CDH2.
肿瘤靶点——钙粘蛋白CDH - 知乎
钙粘蛋白(Cadherin,简写CDH)是细胞粘附分子,在维持正常状态下的组织结构和形态方面起着重要作用,CDH的表达失调往往与疾病有关,包括组织发育不良、肿瘤形成和转移。 钙粘蛋白是钙依赖性粘附分子的超家族,至少有六个亚家族,CDH家族拥有23个成员,从CDH1到CDH26。 生理学上,钙粘蛋白有助于形成紧密连接和粘附连接,这对上皮屏障功能至关重要,调节神经系统内的突触粘附,影响学习和记忆。 病理学上,钙粘蛋白表达或功能的改变与癌症进展相关。 许 …
1002 - Gene ResultCDH4 cadherin 4 [ (human)]
Cdh4 regulates cell proliferation, cell migration and tumorigenic potential of patient derived glioblastoma cells. High CDH4 expression is associated with triple-negative breast cancer. CDH4 overexpression activates c-Jun via the JNK pathway, while CDH4 knockdown suppresses both tumor xenograft growth and lung colonization.
CDH4 cadherin 4 [Homo sapiens (human)] - Gene - NCBI
Dec 10, 2024 · Official Symbol CDH4 provided by HGNC Official Full Name cadherin 4 provided by HGNC Primary source HGNC:HGNC:1763 See related Ensembl:ENSG00000179242 MIM:603006; AllianceGenome:HGNC:1763 Gene type protein coding RefSeq status REVIEWED Organism Homo sapiens Lineage Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini ...
CDH4 cadherin 4 - NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) - NCBI
Cadherin switches during epithelial-mesenchymal transition: CDH4/RCAD downregulation reduces bladder cancer progression. Regulatory CDH4 Genetic Variants Associate With Risk to Develop Capecitabine-Induced Hand-Foot Syndrome. Expression and Prognostic Significance of Cadherin 4 (CDH4) in Renal Cell Carcinoma.
CDH4抑制口腔鳞状细胞癌细胞铁死亡,BMC Oral Health - X-MOL
May 27, 2023 · 钙粘蛋白4基因(CDH4)是钙粘蛋白家族基因的成员,编码R-钙粘蛋白(R-cad);然而,该基因在不同类型癌症中的功能仍存在争议。 CDH4 在 OSCC(口腔鳞状细胞癌)中的功能尚不清楚。 我们使用癌症基因组图谱 (TCGA) 数据库发现 CDH4 在 OSCC 中的表达高于正常组织。 我们的组织样本也证实 CDH4 基因在 OSCC 中高表达。 相关细胞功能检测检测到CDH4促进细胞增殖、迁移、自我更新和侵袭能力。 细胞染色实验证实CDH4表达的改变会改 …
钙粘素 4(CDH4)基因 - MCE
Based on studies in chicken and mouse, this cadherin is thought to play an important role during brain segmentation and neuronal outgrowth. In addition, a role in kidney and muscle development is indicated. Of particular interest are studies showing stable cis-heterodimers of Cadherins 2 and 4 in cotransfected cell lines.
CDH4是位于20号染色体的基因。 别名. 数据库编号. 该基因是钙粘蛋白超家族的经典钙黏蛋白。 编码的蛋白是一种钙依赖性细胞粘附糖蛋白,由5个胞外钙粘蛋白重复序列、一个跨膜区和高 …
Entry - *603006 - CADHERIN 4; CDH4 - OMIM
Jun 27, 2002 · Cadherins, such as CDH4, form a family of cell surface glycoproteins that mediate calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion. The mature proteins are composed of a large N-terminal extracellular domain, a single membrane-spanning domain, …