Integrin alpha X - Wikipedia
CD11c is an integrin alpha X chain protein. Integrins are heterodimeric integral membrane proteins composed of an alpha chain and a beta chain. This protein combines with the beta 2 chain (ITGB2) to form a leukocyte-specific integrin referred to as …
CD11c Dendritic Cells: Subtypes and Their Immune Functions
Jan 9, 2025 · CD11c dendritic cells encompass a variety of subtypes, each with distinct origins, phenotypes, and roles in the immune system. These subtypes contribute to a nuanced orchestration of immune responses, ensuring both effective pathogen defense and maintenance of immune homeostasis.
CD11c - more than a marker for dendritic cells in histopathology
It can be employed to determine the subsets of dendritic cells (DC) in the immune system (see CD11c expression in human and murine immune system), but CD11c may be more than a marker for DC cells (see CD11c and inflammation).
CD11c - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The leukocyte integrin CD11c is a myeloid marker expressed on most DCs (Table 1). CD11c + DCs can be further subdivided by their expression of CD8α, the alpha chain of the T-cell co-receptor CD8 (see [2] for a recent review of DCs).
CD11c+ CD11b+ Dendritic Cells Play an Important Role in …
Furthermore, CD11c + CD11b + DCs, but not CD11c + CD8α + DCs, inhibited MOG-induced proliferative responses in a dose-dependent manner, and IL-10 was involved in the process. These findings suggest that CD11c + CD11b + DCs may be a unique DC subset that mediates T cell tolerance in EAE in vivo.
Critical role of integrin CD11c in splenic dendritic cell ... - PubMed
Jun 26, 2018 · CD11c, also known as integrin alpha X, is the most widely used defining marker for dendritic cells (DCs). CD11c can bind complement iC3b and mediate phagocytosis in vitro, for which it is also referred to as complement receptor 4.
CD11c Marker on Macrophages 101: A Comprehensive Guide
The CD11c marker is a protein found on the surface of certain immune cells, including macrophages, a type of white blood cell that engulfs and digests cellular debris and foreign substances. Our research shows that the presence of CD11c marker is significant in the identification of macrophage subsets like CD11c+ M1-like macrophages.
Deep Phenotyping of CD11c+ B Cells in Systemic Autoimmunity and ...
Mar 12, 2021 · Circulating CD11c + B cells are a key phenomenon in certain types of autoimmunity but have also been described in the context of regular immune responses (i.e., infections, vaccination). Using mass cytometry to profile 46 different markers on individual immune cells, we systematically init …
Origins, recruitment, and regulation of CD11c + cells in inflamed ...
CD11c+ cells increase greatly with islet inflammation in non-obese diabetic mice and contribute to autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. In this study, we investigated their origin and mechanism of recruitment.
The development and function of CD11c - PubMed Central (PMC)
CD11c + T-bet + atypical B cells (ABCs) have been identified in the context of vaccination, acute and chronic infections and autoimmune disease. However, the origins and functions of ABCs remain elusive.