CD-1® IGS Mouse | Charles River - Charles River Laboratories
The CD-1 ® mouse is a multipurpose model that can be used in such fields as toxicology (safety and efficacy testing), aging, and oncology. General Purpose Michalikova, S. et al., Emotional responses and memory performance of middle-aged CD1 mice in a …
CD-1 Mice Versus C57BL/6 Mice - ScienCell Research Laboratories
CD-1 IGS mice are outbred mice derived from a group of outbred Swiss mice developed at the Anti-Cancer Center in Lausanne, Switzerland. They were imported to the US in 1926 and to Charles River in 1959. The CD-1 IGS mice are generally used for genetics, toxicology, pharmacology, and aging research.
CD-1® (ICR) IGS小鼠, CD-1® (ICR) IGS Mice - 维通利华 | Charles …
CD-1® (ICR) IGS Mice - 维通利华 | Charles River,一般性多用途模型、安全效力评价、药理、毒理学、药品、生物制品的生产与检定;老龄化研究、外科手术模型、假孕、代乳鼠模型。
Swiss、KM、ICR、CD-1小鼠品系来源与优缺点. 1.品系来源 (1)Swiss:1926年美国Rockfeller研究所的Clara Lynch博士从瑞士(Switzerland)Centre Anticancereux Romand的de Coulon实验室引入非近交白化小鼠,培育成Swiss小鼠。
维通利华 CD-1 (ICR)小鼠 IGS SPF级价格_品牌:维通利华(Vital …
2025年2月8日 · 丁香通为您提供维通利华(Vital River)维通利华 CD-1(ICR)小鼠 IGS SPF级价格等详细信息,产品供应商为北京维通利华实验动物技术有限公司,产品类别为试剂-动物/植物-小鼠,货号是CD-1® ICR 小鼠。
Characterization of a strain-specific CD-1 reference genome …
2023年8月3日 · Knowledge of the full genetic variability of CD-1 would make it more useful in toxicology, pharmacology, and fundamental biomedical research. We performed deep genomic DNA sequencing of CD-1 mice and used the data to identify genome-wide SNPs, indels, and germline transposable elements relative to the mm10 reference genome.
CD1 IGS Mouse Strain Characteristics - Maze Engineers
2018年12月4日 · CD1 IGS (also known as Crl:CD1(ICR)) is an albino outbred strain of mouse model that has frequently been used in toxicology and pharmacological research. It is the most popular strain of outbred mouse.
CD-1 Mouse - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Strains of outbred Swiss and Swiss-derived mice (including ICR mice, Swiss Webster mice, NIH Swiss mice, and CD-1 mice) are commonly used as model systems for preclinical toxicology studies. Swiss-derived mice are widely available from commercial suppliers, and a substantial body of historical control data is available for several Swiss strains.
CD-1® Nude小鼠, CD-1® Nude Mice - 维通利华 | Charles River
CD-1(ICR)背景,携带Foxn1 nu 突变,导致胸腺发育不良,T细胞缺失,细胞免疫缺失;同时对胸腺依赖性抗原的反应存在局限性,导致B细胞功能受损。 巨噬细胞、NK细胞、抗原递呈细胞数量及功能正常,补体活性正常。
CD-1® IGS Mouse - Charles River Laboratories
The original group of Swiss mice that served as progenitors of CD-1 mice consisted of two male and seven female albino mice derived from a non-inbred stock in the laboratory of Dr. de Coulon, Centre Anticancereux Romand, Lausanne, Switzerland. These animals were imported into the United States by Dr. Clara Lynch of the Rockefeller Institute in ...