E-mail. CC me or copy me? - AnandTech Forums
2011年7月20日 · A little annoyance. You carbon COPY somebody, you don't "CC" them. I cringe whenever I hear somebody say "I CC'd you". Can you copy me on that email you're going to …
copy/cc someone in/on on an email | WordReference Forums
2015年2月27日 · Originally, "cc" written on a paper letter meant that someone else had been sent a carbon copy of the letter.. Carbon paper is not used to make copies any more, but the old …
Is "CC" as a verb too informal in a business email?
2016年4月26日 · Is "CC" as a verb too informal in a business email? For example, 1. Mr. A sent the application form in an email CCing Mr. B. 2. Mr. A sent the application form in an email …
add me to cc - WordReference Forums
2016年2月2日 · It doesn't seem incorrect, but I would use cc as a verb, e.g. Please cc me regarding the matter. Used as a noun, cc means the cc list and if there are many people on …
he is CC'd - WordReference Forums
2007年9月12日 · La frase es: And return the email to Pepito Perez - IT Manager in Acme (he is CC'd). El párrafo habla sobre llenar un formato y devolvérselo a Pepito Perez quien es …
Keep me in email - WordReference Forums
2009年7月1日 · hi Now a days my boss forgets to keep me in cc when he sends an email to my collegue. So I wanted to send an email to him by saying You always keep me in cc. Here what …
CC or CC'ed - WordReference Forums
2012年2月6日 · "CC" (in ancient days "carbon copy" and now "courtesy copy") looks fine at the top of a memo or e-mail, but in the body of a communication, I'd say: I'm very sorry for …
put someone on copy [carbon copy - Cc:][e-mail]
2014年7月17日 · Hello. I have read all previous threads I found on WRF dealing with this topic and I have reached the following conclusions (using examples made up by me): Put me on …
(CC) copy me on your email to him - WordReference Forums
2007年5月30日 · Comment diriez-vous « could you copy me on your email to him » en français? (Pourriez-vous m'envoyer en CC le courriel/mail que vous allez lui envoyer?) Au Canada on …
mettere in conoscenza in email | WordReference Forums
2012年5月2日 · Secondo me sì . CC sta per carbon copy per cui sarebbe solo la traduzione letterale e per esteso . Io personalmente uso copy me in/I'll copy you in/remember to copy …