Does the category of my EAD card (C08) indicate any thing about …
2015年5月9日 · EAD means you are approved to work in USA for a limited period of time indicated on this permit. CO8 means you applied for asylum, but have not received it yet. …
What is Category C08 on Employment Authorizaton card mean?
2015年9月2日 · If my answer is the "BEST ANSWER" and/or "HELPFUL" please mark it accordingly. Fluent in 7 languages. Certified Specialist in U.S. Immigration & Nationality Law, …
Can I work with c08 ead card anywhere in us? - Legal Answers
2021年5月13日 · Your (c)(8) asylum application pending based EAD is a "free market" EAD and with it can work anywhere in the nation. Self-employment is also permitted. Disclaimer
What does it mean by eligibility category c08? - Legal Answers
2017年10月5日 · What does it mean by eligibility category c08? We filed for political asylum case for whole family and today its been 180 days and we have got the reciepts for pur work …
How does using Pending Asylum EAD (c)(8) impact F1 Status?
2024年3月9日 · If you use your C08 EAD, your F1 status is deactivated, which does not *necessarily* mean you cannot study. You should explore what options you have to study as …
Hi, if my first EAD category is C11 and now my asylum case is …
2024年6月7日 · This will be your first C08 EAD, so mark this as Initial (no filing fee!), but further down in the application where it asks if you've previously applied for work authorization, say …
Will I struggle to find a job with a c08 category on my EAD?
2018年6月26日 · EAD means you are approved to work in USA for a limited period of time indicated on this permit. CO8 means you applied for asylum, but have not received it yet. …
My husband has a c08 category and we can to buy a home can
2018年5月5日 · C08 is employment category based on a pending asylum application. The fact that you were issued employment authorization because you have a pending asylum …
Can I get A TWIC card while I have a C08 EAD " Pending Asylum"?
2023年8月21日 · I have a c08 EAD and need to get the twic card, I am a train conductor and recently my company is recurring this card to let me work.
If I had an EAD under C08 but was granted asylum, should I apply …
2024年4月22日 · If I had an EAD under C08 but was granted asylum, should I apply under category A5 checking the initial application box? I am now an asylee I don't know under what …