C-3PX | Wookieepedia | Fandom
C-3PX was a Cybot Galactica 3PX-series protocol droid reprogrammed to be an assassin droid. C-3PX started his operational style as a simple 3PX-series protocol droid in one of Cybot Galactica's many factories. Initially built as a protocol unit …
C-3PX - 百度百科
C-3PX是星战系列衍生宇宙作品中的角色,曾是一名由银河赛伯公司(Cybot Galactica)生产的3-PX系列礼仪机器人,后来被重新编程,成为刺客机器人。 网页 新闻 贴吧 知道 网盘 图片 视频 地图 文库 资讯 采购 百科
C-3PX - TAC - Build A Droid (Exclusive) - Jedi Temple Archives
C-3PX. Status: C-3PX is an all-new figure that utilizes the very first Build A Droid sculpt. It can be built from 6 individual parts split across the following figures: Plo Koon/R4-F5 (1 of 6) – C-3PX right leg. Darth Vader/K-3PX (2 of 6) – C-3PX left arm. Han Solo/R-3PO (3 of 6) – C-3PX left leg. Kit Fisto/R4-H5 (4 of 6) – C-3PX body
C-3PX | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
C-3PX fue un droide de protocolo serie 3PX de Cybot Galáctica reprogramado para ser un droide asesino. C-3PX inició sus operaciones como un simple droide de protocolo de la serie 3PX en una de las tantas fabricas de Cybot Galáctica.
3PX-series protocol droid | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The 3PX-series protocol droid or 3PX series droids[2] were third-degree protocol droids produced by Cybot Galactica in 50 BBY as an extension of the company's 3PO-series protocol droid line. The 3PX line was marketed exclusively in the Outer …
C-3PX - Wookieepedia - 星球大战中文网 Star Wars China
2024年6月10日 · 星球大战论坛以研究和普及星球大战文化为己任,是中国大陆最专业、华语圈内具影响的星球大战中文网站,内容涉及星战电影、星战动漫、星战小说、星战游戏和星战玩具等。 ,星球大战中文网 Star Wars China
C-3PX (Character) - Comic Vine
c-3px Character » C-3PX appears in 3 issues . Originally manufactured as a Cybot Galacta 3PX-series protocol droid, he was reprogrammed as an assassin droid.
C-3PX | Star Wars: The Golden Age of the Sith Wiki | Fandom
C-3PX is a protocol droid reconstructed and reprogrammed to assassinate and destroy, with his own built-in defences promising a long career as a feared individual, much like IG-88 of the IG-88 Assassin Droid Series
C-3PX | Jedipedia | Fandom
C-3PX, kurz 3PX, war ein Protokolldroide zu Zeiten der Galaktischen Republik, der von dem Sith Darth Maul zum Attentäterdroiden umprogrammiert wurde und nach dem Verschwinden seines Meisters auf eigene Faust arbeitete. Wie Darth Maul in den Besitz von C-3PX gelangte, liegt weitestgehend im Dunkeln - wahrscheinlich war es um 33 VSY.
C-3PX | Droids Wiki | Fandom
C-3PX was a Cybot Galactica 3PX-series protocol droidreprogrammed to be an assassin droid.