Buddha Weekly: Buddhist Practices, Mindfulness, Meditation
Buddha Weekly’s hard-working volunteers create educational Buddha Dharma content in multiple formats and multiple languages — to help us “Spread the Dharma.” We remain committed with …
Buddha Weekly - YouTube
Enjoy our series playlists: buddhaweekly.com/donor and 13 more links. Concise daily Sadhanas or Pujas for daily recitation of your favorite personal Buddha, Yidam or Bodhisattvas, including...
About Buddha Weekly Online Magazine
Buddha Weekly is a non-profit association dedicated to free Buddha Dharma education, and the important mission: Spread the Dharma! We remain committed to preserving and "Spreading …
Buddha Archives - Buddha Weekly: Buddhist Practices, Mindfulness ...
Miracles of Buddha: With the approach of Buddha’s 15 Days of Miracles, we celebrate 15 separate miracles of Buddha, starting with Ratana Sutta: Buddha purifies pestilence. In what …
The Buddhist Calendar - The Week and the Fortnight - buddhanet.net
The chart below gives us a view of the placing of the weeks and fortnights within the months, for one season of four months. However, according to a tradition preserved by Buddhaghosa, an …
Life of Buddha: 7 Weeks after Enlightenment (Part One)
During the seventh week, the Buddha meditated under the rajayatana tree. On the fiftieth morning, after seven weeks of fasting, two merchants came into his presence. They were …
The Seven Postures of Buddha | The 7 days of the week
In fact, there are 7 different poses representing the 7 days of the week. Each of them has a certain meaning and represents different character traits. Each of them represents a day of the …
Buddha’s Days of Miracles: 15 Miracles in 15 Days – Extra Merit ...
Even though Buddha often reprimanded his monks if they displayed supra-mundane powers, Buddha at this time resorted to a 15-day display of power to demonstrate the unlimited power …
Life of the Buddha - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
2003年10月1日 · The Buddha continued to sit after his enlightenment, meditating beneath the tree and then standing beside it for a number of weeks. During the fifth or sixth week, he was beset …
7 Buddha Postures for the 7 Days of the Week - PHUKET 101
Sunday: Meditating Buddha – Buddha in contemplation. Monday: Pacifying the Relatives – Buddha standing, with one hand raised in a gesture of reassurance. Tuesday: Reclining …