AA noob needs AA advice/BTR-ZD vs ZSU-57/Ammo types : …
2022年11月10日 · The BTR-ZD is better from an AA perspective, whilst the ZSU-57-2 is a mediocre AA but awesome pseudo-IFV as its relatively mobile and its AP can shred almost …
BTR-ZD: Gun Savvy : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年6月9日 · so btr is a twinbarrel r3? you have a wierd impression of the r3 if the "meh" stab and the lack of exposed gunners are your R3-keypoints. Imo, its firepower and mobility are the …
Fixing the Russian mid-tier AA gap - summary of options
2022年2月18日 · BTR-ZD. Partially enclosed, tracked. In reality has anti-aircraft missiles, but is suggested to be added without them. Also, "The ZU-23-2 has been mounted on regular BTR …
the BTR-ZD is surprisingly good : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年7月14日 · the problem isn't the fact that the BTR is 0.3 higher than the Crusader, but why is the Crusader only 0.3 below the BTR... Reply reply Isotelus606
When you get the BTR-ZD and realize that it is just a towed
When you get the BTR-ZD and realize that it is just a towed 23mm AA gun LITERALLY STRAPPED to the roof of an Airborne APC, Clampett style. It's so aggressively Russian that it …
Gaijin please: BTR-ZD : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2019年3月14日 · The BTR-ZD is an airborne armored personnel carrier, used to carry two teams with man-portable air defense missiles. This vehicle is typically used in combination with a ZU …
I really do think the BTR-ZD should have more ammo, all considered.
2023年3月1日 · the btr-zd is probably the best anti air i have ever played and while this buff would be nice i think it would warrant a br increase to 6.0 at least, the gun on this thing absolutely …
USSR: M53/59(6.0) vs BTR-ZD(5.3) Discussion : r/Warthunder
2023年3月7日 · Fire rate: The M53/59 shoots half as fast as the BTR-ZD, which can be a pro and con. On one hand, the higher caliber rounds need much fewer shots to bring planes or …
Why is the BTR-ZD at 5.3 now? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年7月20日 · Suddenly the BTR-ZD is at 5.3 in GRB. Before it was at 4.7. I didn't see that announced anywhere so I'm asking if anyone knows what's up with that or if maybe that's just …
Is BTR-ZD really OP? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年8月16日 · I heard everyone talking about how OP BTR-ZD is and I just unlocked it. I was expected something better to replace my trustworthy BTR-152A . But the grind is quite …