Home - Applied Ballistics
Applied Ballistics Training Division (ABTD) strives to provide high quality, professional, and flexible training in the practical application of long-range external ballistics.
Meet Our Ballistician | Bryan Litz - Berger Bullets
“Bryan Litz is the top external ballistics mind in the country, arguably the world.” Bryan’s passion for hitting targets started at a very early age with a sling shot. As he grew, he used all possible means to hit targets at longer and longer distances.
The Science of Accuracy - A Ballistics-Focused Academy for Long …
Join Bryan Litz and his team of experts as they take you through the technical and practical secrets of putting rounds on target using the Science of Accuracy. Follow the discussion on topics including external ballistics, competitive shooting, loading ammunition and much more.
About Bryan Litz - PrecisionRifleBlog.com
“Bryan Litz is the top external ballistics mind in the country, arguably the world.” Bryan Litz is ballistician, researcher and accomplished competitive shooter. He is one of the most respected experts in the field of external ballistics and the science of long range shooting.
Meet The Team - Applied Ballistics
With Applied Ballistics, he has served as the lead systems and mechanical engineer for AB’s Rapid Engagement Modules and Wind Sensor Array systems, as well as working with Mr. Litz to optimize the WEZ tool for public release.
Bryan Litz Books - Berger Bullets
Bryan Litz' books take his highly complex ideas and explain them in layman terms. Here you can find a list of his current books as well as a description.
Bryan Litz's Articles, Blogs and Case Studies | Berger Bullets
A collection of some of Bryan Litz's articles, blogs and case studies on various subjects including bullets, ballistics and long range shooting.
Advice for Long-Range Shooters — Six Tips from Bryan Litz
2021年7月6日 · For those headed to the Nationals, we are sharing some smart tips from a past F-Class Champion who is both a great shooter AND a ballistics wizard. In 2015, Bryan Litz won the F-TR Mid-Range AND Long-Range National Championships hosted at Ben Avery. And at the 2014 Berger SW Nationals (SWN), Bryan took top honors among all sling shooters.
Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting 3rd Edition By Bryan Litz
In this book, author, champion shooter and Ballistician Bryan Litz breaks down the complex science of accuracy into layman’s terms that are easy to understand and apply. The objective of each subject matter is to present information to the reader which they can use to …
We are ballistics experts working to advance long range shooting …
Meet your host for The Science of Accuracy Academy, Bryan Litz. Bryan’s education and experience in the aerospace industry, competition shooting and a drive to understand the underlying principles of ballistics drove him to advance the state of the art in this field.