Brookite is a natural titania mineral, whose bulk phase is hard to synthesize in the laboratory, and its phase behavior at very high pressure remains unknown. Thus, in this work, using phase-pure natural brookite as the sample, we studied the phase transition of bulk brookite under compression up to ~ 60 GPa in three different pressure ...
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ACS Publications
HRTEM image of the AB180 sample. Anatase nanocrystals (blue) and impurity brookite nanocrystals (red). Insets are the FFT pattern showing crystallographic planes for anatase and brookite, respectively.
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SAGE Journals
Supplemental Material. Heavy Mineral Identification and Quantification Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Fares Azzam, Thomas Blaise*, Jocelyn Barbarand, Hélène Cassagne, Julius Nouet
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Chapter 1 . INTRODUCTION. Catalysis Today . Scientific research has been changing its emphasis every decade and accordingly the manufacturing and processing sectors have been adopting new materials and concepts in their manufactured products.
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