Product Spotlight: Brownells BRN-9 Upper Receiver
Caleb gives us a detailed look at the Brownells BRN-9 upper receiver. This complete upper chambered in 9mm Luger (9x19mm, 9mm Parabellum) snaps onto a standard mil-spec AR-15 or BRN-180 lower receiver fitted with one of many 9mm magwell adapters currently available.
AimSurplus, LLC
The BRN-9 is a complete, dedicated upper receiver assembly chambered in 9mm Luger. The BRN-9's blowback operating system is entirely self-contained. It does not use the AR-15 recoil buffer system, so it does not need a receiver extension, aka "buffer tube." It readily functions with a folding stock or brace.
Brownells Brn-9 Upper Receiver 9mm – Primary Tactical
At last we have a BRN upper for pistol-caliber AR fans! The BRN-9 is a complete, dedicated upper receiver assembly chambered in 9mm Luger (9x19mm, 9mm Parabellum). In common with our BRN-180 series, the BRN-9's blowback operating system is entirely self-contained.
New Brownells BRN-9 Upper | thefirearmblog.com
2023年4月18日 · Rear recoil buffer is 3D-printed from flexible material optimized to absorb recoil impulse. Over-buffer-tower design maximizes rail space. BRN-style brass deflector. Easy toolless takedown. Check Prices on Brownells BRN-9 Upper Receivers. The BRN-9 is in stock as of this writing, with a retail price of $550. You can find it here.
Brownells BRN-9 Upper: Complete Blowback Upper for PCC Builds
2023年4月19日 · Brownells recently announced the latest addition to the company’s ever-growing BRN line of AR-15 rifles, pistols and components. The Brownells BRN-9 comprises a seriously build-worthy complete upper receiver chambered in 9mm. It sports a 5-inch barrel for large-format, PCC-based pistol builds.
Product Spotlight: Brownells BRN-9 Upper Receiver - YouTube
Caleb gives us a detailed look at the Brownells BRN-9 upper receiver. This complete upper chambered in 9mm Luger (9x19mm, 9mm Parabellum) snaps onto a standard mil-spec AR-15 or BRN-180 lower...
BRN-9: Initial Review and First Impressions - YouTube
2023年9月19日 · BRN-9 Disassembly & Reassembly by Brownells: • Tech Tip: BRN-9 Upper Disassembly, Ma... PDW Concept Overview by Brass Facts: • The Civilian PDW Concept | Why You Sh... (This one is really...
Brownells Releases New BRN-9 9mm AR-15 Upper Receiver
2023年4月17日 · BRN-9 9mm AR-15 Upper Receiver. GRINNELL, Iowa (April 17, 2023) –Brownells customers can quickly assemble a 9mm AR-15 style firearm with the BRN-9 9mm AR-15 Upper Receiver — the newest ...
The BRN-9 is a complete, dedicated upper receiver assembly chambered in 9mm Luger (9x19mm, 9mm Parabellum). In common with our BRN-180® series, the BRN-9's blowback operating system is entirely self-contained. It does not use the AR-15 recoil buffer system, so it does not need a receiver extension, aka "buffer tube."
BRN-9 Upper Receiver 9MM | BRN9-U-BLK - Buds Gun Shop
As a whole our 4+ million customer's know more about firearms than we do. If you have a general question about a product we highly recommend that you first try out our customer Q&A feature. More often than not you will receive multiple answers to your question in minutes.
Brownells Launches Complete BRN-9 Upper Receiver
2023年4月17日 · Brownells customers can quickly assemble a 9mm AR-15 style firearm with the BRN-9 — the newest Brownells BRN series complete upper receiver — in stock and shipping now.
Brownells BRN-9 upper released - AR15.COM
2023年4月17日 · The BRN-9 is a complete, dedicated upper receiver assembly chambered in 9mm Luger (9x19mm, 9mm Parabellum). In common with our BRN-180® series, the BRN-9's blowback operating system is entirely self-contained. It does not use the AR-15 recoil buffer system, so it does not need a receiver extension, aka "buffer tube."
Tech Tip: BRN-9 Upper Disassembly, Maintenance & Reassembly - Brownells
To help you keep it running reliably, Brownells Gun Tech™ Caleb Savant shows us how to disassemble, perform routine maintenance, and reassemble the BRN-9 upper. Good news: no tools are needed for basic field stripping! DISASSEMBLY: Check to …
New Brownells BRN-9 bufferless 9mm upper - AR15.COM
2023年4月17日 · At last we have a BRN® upper for pistol-caliber AR fans! The BRN-9 is a complete, dedicated upper receiver assembly chambered in 9mm Luger (9x19mm, 9mm Parabellum). In common with our BRN-180® series, the BRN-9's blowback operating system is entirely self-contained.
First Look: Brownells BRN-9 Upper | An Official Journal Of The NRA
2023年5月14日 · Brownells has just released the blowback operated BRN-9 complete upper receiver which comes with a 5.5-inch-long barrel chambered in 9mm. The BRN-9 upper is designed to drop in seamlessly into...
9mm Upper Receivers - Matador Arms LLC
Own a MAT-9 or the Brownells BRN-9 ? We made a document that quickly outlines how to fit most ejectors and feed ramp towers with these upper receivers. MAT 9 BRN 9 Ejector and Feed Tower Fit Instructions can be downloaded HERE.
Brownells Launches Complete BRN-9 Upper Receiver
2023年4月18日 · Brownells customers can quickly assemble a 9mm AR-15 style firearm with the BRN-9 — the newest Brownells BRN series complete upper receiver — in stock and shipping now.
BRN-9 Upper Heading to the Range : r/BRN180 - Reddit
2023年4月21日 · Just got the upper in. Broke it down, cleaned and lubed it. Loaded some mags with brass and aluminum, 115 gr and 124 gr…time to see what she does. Used an Aero epc-9 lower with the dreaded Rave 140 trigger. We’ll see how she runs. I have a backup trigger in case the Rave acts up like I’ve read online. I’ll report back later.
Matador Arms Mat-9K / Brownells BRN-9 Upper | UZI Talk Forums
2024年2月10日 · To my dismay, Brownells discontinued the BRN-9. I’m going to tell you why I think they did that later on. The good news was, Matador Arms, the manufacturer who made the BRN-9 for Brownells was taking pre-orders for an improved version of the same upper now released called the Mat-9K.
BRN-9 PCC Upper : r/ar15 - Reddit
Just ordered a BRn9 Upper and BRN-180M LOWER RECEIVER. Really appreciate you and your company. I'm going with EndoMags as I use them on my current AR9 with multiple build parts from Macon Armory.