Pattern 1796 light cavalry sabre - Wikipedia
The Pattern 1796 light cavalry sabre is a sword that was used primarily by British light dragoons and hussars, and King's German Legion light cavalry during the Napoleonic Wars.
Unkindest Cuts – The Three Most Famous British Sabres of the …
2019年4月14日 · John Le Marchant, the designed the 1796 Light Cavalry Sabre, was a rarity: a dashing cavalryman and a gifted leader, but also a keen observer with a mind for science. He died at the Battle of Salamanca in 1812, leading one of the most successful cavalry charges in …
British Cavalry Sabres of the early to mid 1800s
The 1796 Pattern Light Cavalry Sabre (1796P LC) came into use during the French Revolution and saw continuous use well into the late 1800’s. It was adopted by Portuguese and Spanish cavalry, who were of course Britain’s allies against the …
British 1796 Pattern Light Cavalry Sabre - The Knight Shop
Designed by Major-General John Gaspard Le Marchant, the 1796 pattern light cavalry saber was based on Central and Eastern European hussar swords. As a young captain, he observed the clumsy design of the heavy, overly long 1788 Pattern swords.
The British 1796 Pattern Light Cavalry Sword - Napoleon Series
The P1796 sword designed by Le Marchant was, unsurprisingly as he was a strong advocate of the cut in mounted swordsmanship, a dedicated slashing weapon. It had a broad blade with a pronounced curve (diverging almost 3 inches from the straight), with a single broad but shallow fuller. The blade was 33 inches in length (measured from hilt to tip ...
1796 British Light Cavalry Saber | Windlass Steel Scabbard
Designed by Major-General John Gaspard Le Marchant, the 1796 pattern light cavalry saber was based on Central and Eastern European hussar swords. As a young captain, he observed the clumsy design of the heavy, overly long 1788 Pattern swords.
Collection: Pattern 1796 Light Cavalry Saber - The Oakeshott Institute
The Pattern 1796 was the second in a series of attempts to standardize the swords used by British cavalry at the end of the 18th Century. Replacing the earlier Pattern 1788, this blade has a highly accentuated curve, making it excellent in the cut.
British Light Cavalry Sabre - 1796 Pattern - The Knight Shop
Famed for its use by Britain’s Light Dragoons and Hussars during the Peninsular War and Waterloo, this sword was also supplied to the Prussian Cavalry in great numbers and even found favour in the USA.
British Pattern 1796 Light Cavalry Trooper's Saber - College …
In 1796 the British War Department adopted a newly designed saber for use by the Light Cavalry. This included the Hussars, the Light Dragoons and the Horse (Mounted) Artillery. John Gaspard Le Merchant, a British cavalry officer, designed the …
Historical Weapons Hub | 1796 Saber - commanderstech.net
The 1796 Light Cavalry Saber was developed for the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars. Designed by John Gaspard Le Marchant, it featured a curved blade optimized for slashing attacks, which was considered more effective for cavalry charges than thrusting swords.