BRDM - Wikipedia
The BRDM is a eight-wheeled amphibious vehicle which is very lightly armoured by today's standards. Both versions were produced in the Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries. …
BTR-80 - Wikipedia
BRDM-3 (bronirovannaya razvedivatel’no-dozornaya mashina) – An armoured reconnaissance/surveillance vehicle, based on the BTR-80AK and with a new day/night vision …
BRDM-3 - Army Recognition
2024年7月11日 · The BRDM-3 is a reconnaissance wheeled armoured vehicle designed and manufactured by Russia. The BRDM-3 is based on the chassis of the Russian wheeled …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The BRDM-2 has a crew of four: a driver, a co-driver, a commander, and a gunner. It has two pairs of chain-driven belly wheels lowered by the driver, which allow trench crossing just like its...
[全球装备鉴赏]BTR-80装甲运兵车家族概览 - 哔哩哔哩
brdm-3 - 侦察车;基于 btr-80ak改进而来,只找到带火箭发射器的版本
BRDM-3 - Wikipedia
brdm-3(ロシア語: БРДМ-3 )は、ロシア製の偵察戦闘車である(本車以外にも、かつてnatoにより独自にこの名称が付けられていた車両が存在する)。
BTR-80 - deagel.com
The BRDM-3 is a 8x8 reconnaissance vehicle derived from the BTR-80A wheeled armored fighting vehicle and leveraging its remotely controlled 30mm cannon and a 7.62mm coaxial …
由 300 发子弹供弹的 30 毫米火炮 2A72 是基于配备烟雾发射器的 BPPU 炮塔的远程系统,而下方的炮手则有 1PZ-9(日间)和 TPN-3/TPN-3-42 “Kristall”(夜间) 景点。 recce 子版本 …
俄罗斯BRDM-3装甲侦察车 - 百度学术
BRDM-3装甲侦察车由俄罗斯嘎斯无限股份公司设计局在BTR-80A装甲输送车的基础上研制而成.用于保障侦察分队在敌纵深120千米范围的行动.战斗全重为14.5吨,车长7.7米,车宽2.9米,车高2.7 …
The Russian BRDM-3 8×8 Wheeled Reconnaissance Vehicle
Traditionally wheeled BRDM’s have been 4×4 in Russia. The BRDM-3 however is an 8×8 and a proposed replacement to the earlier 4×4’s in Russian Ground Forces. Its current status is not …
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