Title: Geometry of branched minimal surfaces of finite index
2022年11月7日 · Abstract: Given $I,B\in\mathbb{N}\cup \{0\}$, we investigate the existence and geometry of complete finitely branched minimal surfaces $M$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with Morse index at most $I$ and total branching order at most $B$. Previous works of Fischer-Colbrie …
- Cite as: arXiv:2211.03529 [math.DG]
- Subjects: Differential Geometry (math.DG)
- MSC classes: 53A10, 49Q05, 53C42
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Title: Free boundary minimal annuli in geodesic balls of $\mathbb{H}^3$ …
Abstract page for arXiv paper 2211.03529v1: Geometry of branched …
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tonicity of area formula, area estimates for constant mean curvature surfaces, …
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Abstract. Minimal surfaces are among the most natural objects in Dif-ferential Geometry, and have been studied for the past 250 years ever since the pioneering work of Lagrange. The …
- 作者: Fernando Codá Marques
- Publish Year: 2014
Generalized Henneberg Stable Minimal Surfaces | Results in
- We take a general rational function where \(c,a_j,b_j\in \mathbb {C}^*\), \(m\in \mathbb {N}\), \(M,N\in \mathbb {N}\cup \{0\}\)are to be determined.
- Branched Minimal Surface 的研究
On branched minimal immersions of surfaces by first eigenfunctions
2017年11月16日 · Our primary motivation is the fact that metrics realizing maxima of the first non-zero Laplace eigenvalue are induced by minimal branched immersions into spheres. In …
- 作者: Donato Cianci, Mikhail Karpukhin, Vladimir Medvedev
- Cite as: arXiv:1711.05916 [math.SP]
- Publish Year: 2017
Geometry of branched minimal surfaces of finite index - De Gruyter
These new examples of complete stable branched minimal surfaces generalize the classical Henneberg surface of finite total curvature −2π that has two simple branch points; these …
A Theory of Branched Minimal Surfaces | SpringerLink
2012年1月6日 · The goal of the book is to study the question whether an area minimizing surface spanning a contour in three dimensional space is immersed or not, that is does its derivative have maximal rank everywhere.
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1992年12月1日 · Algebraic curves on C(Q̃ 1) generate complete branched minimal surfaces of finite total Gaussian curvature. The ‘end’ structure, branch points and total Gaussian curvature …
2014年11月24日 · minimize over all conformal structures to produce a branched minimal surface. The key point is to understand the limiting behavior of the conformal structures in the boundary …
On branched minimal immersions of surfaces by first eigenfunctions
2019年8月21日 · Branched minimal immersions into spheres by first eigenfunctions occur in the study of metrics which maximize the first nonzero Laplace eigenvalue, denoted as \(\lambda …
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