How get BQL (bLOOMBERG) query from python - Stack Overflow
2021年6月3日 · If you run BQNT<GO> on the terminal, you'll get access to Python BQL examples, but the examples won't work outside of BQNT. Since you mention using =BQL, I'm …
How to use the BQL Bloomberg excel formula for python API …
2021年8月20日 · import pandas as pd import time import win32com.client as wc #Get a dispatch interface for the Excel app _xl = wc.Dispatch("Excel.Application") #Ensure the Bloomberg …
rblpapi - Has anyone found away to call Bloomberg BQL API using …
The BQL works in Excel using what appears to be the same API add-in using the same fields to call the Bloomberg data, i.e PX_LAST. I currently run models in python using pdblp, that works …
How to use a date constant for a BQL query filter
I'm trying to get a recordset via a BQL query, but I can't figure out how to create a constant for a date. I'd like to filter based on a hard date value - but I see no examples anywhere for a date …
Calling Bloomberg BQL queries from Excel VBA - Stack Overflow
2020年6月25日 · I am changing the inputs to a BQL.Query formula in the Excel sheet from a VBA script, and calling Application.Calculate to run the query. The display changes to "N/A …
Get Code Isin from Bloomberg with Excel formula
2021年8月5日 · In response to the follow-up, the best way to get the members of an index from Bloomberg is to use BQL (Bloomberg Query Language). There is a 'BQL Builder' option in the …
Bloomberg Excel API for Hourly Volume Data - Stack Overflow
2021年12月10日 · Bloomberg now offers an additional way to get data into Excel: the Bloomberg Query Language (BQL). This is more akin to an SQL query, and supports aggregation and …
How to use BQL inside Bloomberg BQUANT function?
2019年8月13日 · I know they are using bql and I found a few websites with some source codes but not enough to actually learn all the possibilities. Does anyone know where to find any …
Acumatica Fluent BQL selects hang - Stack Overflow
2020年9月12日 · The code presented is just BQL to to retrieve data from the Item view of the InventoryItemMaint graph. The fancy part of it is LINQ. Personally, I tend to use Search to find …
Is there a way in Acumatica's BQL to perform select distinct query …
2021年3月8日 · I'd like to use BQL to get a recordset from SOLine (joined to BCSyncDetails table/DAC) of just the distinct orderNbr values. I've tried using the PXSelectJoinGroupBy …