moz瑞典 駝鹿 Light 空氣 雲朵包(黑)小
moz 所有商品充分展現了簡約的北歐風格,駝鹿可愛質樸的造型加上繽紛色彩,實在讓人很難不被那萌萌的雙眼吸引,更因為簡約的設計搭上實用機能性,現在 moz 於歐美與日本、韓國等國家都相當受歡迎!
Moz ZZOK-02 Backpack, Lightweight, Water Repellent, Large …
Lightweight and water-repellent backpack that is easy to use. Comes with a convenient cushion pocket for storing tablets and PCs. Colors: Black (standard black), Navy (calm navy), Graish Beige (purple-grayed beige), Pistachio (light green) The ZZOK series of Nordic brand "moz" presents high density nylon x storage capacity.
moz瑞典 駝鹿 防潑水 學院劍橋包(奶茶)
產品特點 moz來自瑞典的北歐品牌 在日本、韓國相當受歡迎的moz包登台了 高級防潑水皮革,外出旅遊輕鬆好整理 前蓋磁鐵扣設計,取物快速方便,讓整體使用度更方便 主袋增加拉鍊設計,隱私不外露 多層置物設計,適當的隔層,「有效收納」 好包要有容量,摺疊傘、水瓶、隨身配備 …
Home - moz Sweden
We offer a wide range of products – form fashion clothing to kitchen essentials – all connected through the famous Moz elk-logo. Moz Sweden is a lifestyle brand rooted in the Swedish and Nordic way of living.
BAGS & PURSES - Moz Sweden
FOLDABLE BAG MOZ Classic RED RPET. €8.90. Read more. Add to list of favorites. Add to list of favorites. Handfelted wool purse 100% wool, black. €9.90. Buy. Add to list of favorites. Add to list of favorites. Handfelted wool purse 100% wool, grey. €9.90. Buy. Add to list of favorites.
moz瑞典駝鹿 奶蓋拚色 防潑水 H-Bag 劍橋後背包(霧藍)
【惜福商品$999】moz瑞典駝鹿 奶蓋拚色 防潑水 H-Bag 劍橋後背包(霧藍) ⚠️商品瑕疵:摺痕、汙損、車縫線瑕疵、壓痕、拉鏈瑕疵、溢膠....等(隨機出貨)⚠️ ⚠️商品瑕疵:摺痕、汙損、車縫線瑕疵、壓痕、拉鏈瑕疵、溢膠....等(隨機出貨)⚠️ 【惜福商品】 不適用購物金、點數,售出恕無 …
[公式]北欧ブランド moz(モズ) のリュック・トート・財布 | バッグメーカー直営 T2O
北欧ブランドmozの企画・製造をしているメーカー直営公式サイト 。 【数量限定プレゼント付】リュックやトートバッグ、財布やメーカー限定商品などかわいくてオシャレな商品を多数揃えています。
Moz ZZEI-24 COMBI-ZZEI Shoulder Bag - amazon.com
2022年3月18日 · A classic popular item from the Swedish Nordic brand moz. The combination of solid matte and melange fabric makes it an accent. The lightweight bag series is easy to carry. The simple design is recommended for both men and women. Comes with a reflector in the shape of the brand icon "Elk (Elk)".
Moz zzei-11-Black Shoulder Bag, Black: Handbags: Amazon.com
2022年3月15日 · The "COMBI - ZZEI" series features a switch between melange materials and Nordic brand moz. ZZEI-11 is a banana shaped shoulder bag. The A5 size is convenient for quick outings and travel. It is large enough to hold long wallets and pouches, and is unisex design. There are pockets on the front and back, and there are small pockets on the inside.
moz 2WAY 雙用途!5口袋斜孭袋 BOOK (宝島社發行)
/ 為人氣品牌“moz”25週年紀念款,推出2WAY單肩包! 關鍵在於它有 5 個口袋,方便整理你的物品。 配有可拆式肩帶 有兩種方便使用方式:手持和肩背♪ 配戴適合任何場合或服裝。