What does box 20 mean on the w2 - Intuit
Jun 1, 2019 · Box 20 is the name of the locality where you are paying the tax in box 19. If you have information in those boxes, you will need that income used in a return for that locality. Some places, like NYC, will make it part of the state return while other places, like Cincinnati, will require a separate return.
Entering Section 199A Information, Box 20, Code Z - Intuit
Mar 3, 2020 · This screen must be completed in order for your box 20 code Z information to be correctly input into TurboTax. Note that the instructions are the same if you have a box 17 code V for an S Corp Form 1120S K-1, or a box 14 code I (as in India) for a trust Form 1041 K-1.
Solved: K-1 box 20 z - Intuit
Mar 7, 2020 · So I indicated there was a Box 20 Code Z on each K-1, put the QBI from the other business (they indicated the name, EIN and entity type on the attached 199A Information Worksheet) on one and the QBI from the partnership (the EIN and entity type was blank on the Worksheet so I assumed it was from the partnership that sent the K-1) on the other.
What do i put in box 20 if theres nothing on my w2 - Intuit
Jun 6, 2019 · Box 20 is LOCALITY NAME if local taxes were withheld.... **I don't work for TT. Just trying to help. All ...
How do I enter K-1 line 20 code AJ information? - Intuit
Feb 20, 2024 · Schedule K-1 Box 20 Code AJ is new for tax year 2023. TurboTax has not released the updated forms for this year, which is why you are seeing an out-of-date K-1 in TurboTax for Desktop. According to the Forms Availability Table, Schedule K-1 is expected to be released on February 21, 2024.
Solved: My W-2's Box 20 just says New York, which TurboTax
Feb 12, 2022 · Form W-2 (employer name): Box 20 New York locality name "NEW YORK" is not among those accepted by the NY Dept. of Taxation and Finance. "NYC" for New York City and "YON" for Yonkers are in the acceptable list. The problem is, box 20 in my W-2 literally just says "NEW YORK". I did not work in either New York City or Yonkers. What should I do?
What does box 20 locality name mean? - Intuit
Feb 17, 2024 · Box 20 is the name of the town, city, etc. that local taxes were withheld for. Do you have amounts in boxes 18 or 19? **Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to offer the most correct information possible.
Box 20 is blank on my w2 but turbo tax keeps telling me to ... - Intuit
Mar 15, 2023 · With an amount in box 19, box 20 needs a locality name that the amount in box 19 was paid to. This is usually a city income tax or sometimes state disability payments. In any case, there needs to be a locality name in box 20, if box 19 includes any amount. Please see the Word Doc I have attached that explains every single box and code on your w-2.
What should be reported for Code Z on box 20 of K-1 schedule?
Feb 27, 2020 · Re: K-1 box 20 z. Revisit your partnership interview. For Box 20 Item Z: the 2019 IRS Instructions for Form 1065 Partnerships states: page 1: "Box 20—Codes Z through AD that were previously used to report section 199A information have been changed. Only code Z will be used to report section 199A information."
What figure to enter from K-1 line 20 code Z stmt? - Intuit
Feb 6, 2020 · This screen must be completed in order for your box 20 code Z information to be correctly input into TurboTax. To get back to the K-1 summary screen and find the Schedule K-1 to edit, click the "magnifying glass Search" icon on the top row, enter "k-1" in the search window and press return or enter, and then click on the "Jump to k-1" link to ...