What do the letter codes in box 12 of my W-2 mean? - Intuit
When you're entering your box 12 info, don't enter the lowercase letters next to 12 (12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, sometimes 12a-d)—they're just line labels. Only enter the capital letter codes. For example, if you see "D" on line 12a, enter "D" in TurboTax, not "a". And if …
How do I fill out the box 12 information from my W-2? - Intuit
Important: Don't confuse the lowercase box 12 letter (for example, the a in box 12a) with the capital letters in the dropdown. So, if your box 12a has the letter code D in it, select D (not A) from the dropdown. And if 12a is blank, leave it blank—don't select A. To enter multiple box 12 amounts, select +Add another box 12 item. Box 12 ...
Solved: I don't understand my HSA contribution - Box 12 has
Jun 7, 2019 · On your W-2, Box 12 with code W indicates "Employer contributions to Health Savings Account.". Even though it says "employer" contributions, it is the sum of the amounts that your employer contributed to your HSA AND that you contributed through a …
Box 12 on my w-2 says D 23 539.52 What do i enter on that box.
Feb 15, 2025 · Box 12 on my w-2 says D 23 539.52 What do i enter on that box. No, this would not be construed as two different reporting since both year's retirement plans was contributed in 2024 by the employer. **Say "Thanks" by clicking the thumb icon in a post
What is code DD in box 12 of my W-2? - Intuit
Box 12 amounts with the code DD signify the total cost of what you and your employer paid for your employer-sponsored health coverage plan. Code DD amounts are for informational purposes only—they don't affect the numbers in your tax return.
Where do I enter Box 12 (Bond Premium on Treasury Obligations …
Jun 5, 2019 · Make sure you have a box 3 entry to go along with box 12....not sure about box 10. And do not put a 0.00 in any box..any box with a zero in it should be left empty (maybe box 1 would be OK...last year the form wouldn't go without at least a 0.00, or real number in box 1, but they may have fixed that)
Box 12 Basis reported or not reported to the IRS? - Intuit
Feb 22, 2022 · Hello, I’m new with the form 1099-B and I just wondering if this is suppose to be the actual Box 12 and since mine says, “BASIS NOT REPORTED TO THE IRS” if that’s what it actually means? Because I’ve been trying to figure out how to know wether my basis has been or hasn’t been reported to the IRS
How to file IHSS Medicaid waiver payments when W-2 has 00 in all …
Jan 25, 2025 · Some TurboTax customers with a W-2 with a code II in box 12 for Medicaid waiver payments excluded from income may notice an issue where these payments aren't being excluded. We’re currently working to resolve this issue. If you’d like to receive progress updates, see this TurboTax FAQ @Rumpelstilschen
What does Box 12 code "w" on my w2 mean? And why am I losing …
May 31, 2019 · To confuse things further, my 2017 and 2018 W-2s only list the $1,500 employer contribution. If the comments here are correct that Box 12 code W should include both employer and employee contributions, then the 2019 W-2 is correct, but being misinterpreted by TurboTax, while the 2017-2018 W-2s were incorrect but resulting in the correct answer.
Difference between Code W and Code DD in box 12 of Form W-2
Feb 3, 2024 · "Box 12 amounts with the code DD signify the total cost of what you and your employer paid for your employer-sponsored health coverage plan." In other posts, I see the following explanation for code W: "Both the employer and pre-tax employee HSA contributions made through payroll are reported on the Form W-2 in Box 12 with Code W."