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    Learn How to Choose the Right Bookbinding Needle

    • Learn the basics of bookbinding needles, such as shape, length, gauge, eye and point, and how to pick the best one for your project. See examples, tips and resources for different types of bindings and needle br… 展开

    First, What Is A Bookbinding Needle?

    A bookbinding needle is a tool used by a book binder to sew the sections or signatures of a book together. There are no strict requirements for a needle, which is why this topic ca… 展开

    Learn About Bookbinding & Handmade Books
    Why Is A Bookbinding Needle So Important?

    There are many reasons, but here are my top three: 1. Every sewn text block requires a needle, so it’s basically required 2. A comfortable needle can increase sewing speed & efficien… 展开

    Learn About Bookbinding & Handmade Books
    3 Things to Consider Before Choosing A Bookbinding Needle

    Before I pick up a needle, I always consider the following three things: 1. Shape – what needle shape would work best for this binding type? 2. Length – am I working on a small or large bo… 展开

    Learn About Bookbinding & Handmade Books