Beliefs about medicines questionnaire (BMQ) Horne, Weinman, Hankins, (1999) Psychology and Health, 14, 1-24 BMQ –Specific Your views about medicines prescribed to you. I would like to ask you about your personal views about medicines prescribed for your asthma. These are statements other people have made about their asthma medication.
Tools for Assessing Medication Adherence - GoodRx
2022年6月3日 · Brief medication questionnaire (BMQ): The BMQ is a free, highly specific option to assess general medication adherence, with an overall accuracy of 95%. A set of nine questions look at medication-taking to determine adherence and self …
The Brief Medication Questionnaire: a tool for screening patient ...
The aim of this study is to test the validity of the Brief Medication Questionnaire (BMQ), a new self-report tool for screening adherence and barriers to adherence. The tool includes a 5-item Regimen Screen that asks patients how they took each medication in the past week, a 2-item Belief Screen that asks about drug effects and bothersome ...
Psychometric properties of the Belief about Medicines Questionnaire ...
The BMQ consists of an 18-item questionnaire which assesses medication beliefs in general and in specific conditions allowing for the investigation of the overall perceptions of medication in general (BMQ–General), as well as perceptions of medication in more definite situations such as chronic illnesses (BMQ –Specific).21
Brief Medication Questionnaire (BMQ-H9) – Visit 1 This form will help us assess how your medications are working for you. Please circle the number that describes your experience with each drug.
Brief Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) | Download Scientific …
Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) is a self-report tool for screening adherence and barriers to adherence. It has three main question headings and multiple subquestions ( Figure 2) 9,10 . The tool...
Beliefs About Medicines Questionnaire - APA PsycNet
The BMQ, which has been validated for use in six chronic illness groups, comprises two five-item scales assessing patients’ beliefs about the necessity of prescribed medication for controlling their illness (Specific-Necessity) and their concerns about the potential adverse consequences of taking it (Specific-Concerns) as well as two four ...
Brief Medication Questionnaire 1 (BMQ 1) This form asks about the medications you currently take for high blood pressure. Please include any medication that you might be taking for high blood pressure, including water pills. 1. Did you bring your …
Brief Medication Questionnaire 2 (BMQ 2) This form asks about the prescription medications you currently take for high blood pressure. I will read the questions on p. 1 and ask you to read and answer the other pages by yourself. 1. How many medications do you currently take for high blood pressure, including water pills? _____ medication(s) 2.
Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) - Mapi Research …
To assess cognitive representations of medication. The BMQ-Specific assesses representations of medication prescribed for personal use and the BMQ-General assesses beliefs about medicines in general.