[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · - New LDC Black Texture Variant and Alternate Blue LDC Texture Variant - Delta IV densified propellant switch in BDB Extras (By Estreetrockets) - Optional patch to replace BDB boiloff with CryoTanks boiloff in BDB extras (by Grimmas) - Add engine ignitor configs for M1, XLR129, RL20 and RS30 - New kerbalized flag for Pioneer 10/11 Plaque
[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · If you're playing with the current release of BDB (v1.6.2) there is no Castor I to Castor II switch. There is a part called bluedog_castorSRB (Title = Dioscuri-1 Solid Rocket Booster/ real_title = Castor I).
Blue dog design bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2022年1月24日 · Blue dog design bureau. blue dog design bureau; b9 part switch; By Will2006_ January 24, 2022 in KSP1 Mods ...
[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · At one point I did recreate a SLA assembly on my own, cheated it to orbit, and faced the same problems. I reinstalled MM, I reinstalled BDB and B9, and only sometimes, every once in a blue moon, can I get the SLA working the way it should, but it isn't consistent anymore, maybe working only 1 out of 20 times on certain crafts unfortunately.
[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · The best way to use the extras patches is just create a new folder in your GameData called precisely "Bluedog_DB_Extras", and then in the BDB download > BD_Extras (No Warranty) > GameData > Bluedog_DB_Extras folder, copy over the patches you want to use into the folder you made in your main GameData, like BDB_CCK:
Help with B9 part switch. - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2021年1月18日 · I'm trying to use blue dog design bureau and it needs B9 part switch and it keeps saying that there is a big problem with b9 part switch can someone please help me.
[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · All Activity; Home ; Kerbal Space Program 1 ; KSP1 Mods ; KSP1 Mod Releases [1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more!
Stockalike ULA Vulcan - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2020年9月5日 · Hephaistos V1.1 Hephaistos adds the ULA Vulcan rocket to KSP This mod is a stand-alone expansion to Bluedog Design Bureau, so this mod can be used without BDB ALBUM CONFIGURATIONS Features: S.M.A.R.T. Reuse Centaur V ACES Included in the Download: .craft files of all Vulcan configurations Simple ...
KSP 1.12.x - Reviva - The IVA Revival! - Kerbal Space Program …
2022年2月4日 · KSP 1.12.x - Reviva - The IVA Revival! KSP Reviva is the IVA Revival! For Kerbals who like to fly first person. Supports multiple IVA mods at once (IVA mods not included). Supports RPM and MAS. Allows IVA internal switch via B9PartSwitch: Allows selecting different IVA on each command module in e...
[1.8.1] ETT - Engineering Tech Tree - May 4, 2020
2015年6月11日 · Changelog May 30th v20160530 Added Blue Dog Design Buero, Retrofuture, DMagic's Pipes & Struts, BDArmory. Thanks to @Artfact and @Gaiiden! Changelog May 26th, 2016: 1.1.2 v20160526 Added: B9, Tundra Exploration, VDC HullCams, Surface Experiments; Updated: KWRocketry AIES OPT and other tweaks. THANKS @Artfact