Bludgeon Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BLUDGEON is a short stick that usually has one thick or loaded end and is used as a weapon. How to use bludgeon in a sentence.
BLUDGEONED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BLUDGEONED definition: 1. past simple and past participle of bludgeon 2. to hit someone hard and repeatedly with a heavy…. Learn more.
BLUDGEONED Synonyms: 163 Similar Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for BLUDGEONED: smacked, slapped, hit, knocked, punched, slammed, banged, whacked, pounded, struck
BLUDGEON | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BLUDGEON definition: 1. to hit someone hard and repeatedly with a heavy weapon: 2. to force someone to do something…. Learn more.
Bludgeon - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
It means to strike repeatedly with a heavy club or similar weapon. If you have a cockroach invasion in your kitchen, you might be tempted to bludgeon the insects with a rolled up newspaper every time you turn on the lights.
Bludgeoned - definition of bludgeoned by The Free Dictionary
A short heavy club, usually of wood, that is thicker or loaded at one end. 1. To hit with a heavy club or similar blunt instrument. 2. To strike with strong force: "The fields were often baked by the sun and bludgeoned by savage thunderstorms" (Linda Hasselstrom). 3. To overcome, often by intimidation or coercion. [Origin unknown.]
BLUDGEON Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
a short, heavy club with one end weighted, or thicker and heavier than the other. to strike or knock down with a bludgeon. The boss finally bludgeoned him into accepting responsibility.
BLUDGEON definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
They beat the poisonous creature with a bludgeon. To bludgeon someone means to hit them several times with a heavy object.
Bludgeon Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
The victim was bludgeoned to death with a hammer. He was bludgeoned [= bullied] into accepting the deal.
bludgeon verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
bludgeon somebody (into something/into doing something) to force someone to do something, especially by arguing with them They tried to bludgeon me into joining their protest. She was determined not to be bludgeoned into submission. Definition of bludgeon verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.