How to paint blood splatter? - The Hobby Room - Wyrd Forums
Jul 10, 2010 · I always seem to have a hard time painting realistic blood splatter. Both the pattern and the proper coloring. Does anyone have an suggestions on painting blood splatter?
Blood specks splashed in coop - BackYard Chickens
Jun 26, 2010 · I noticed quite a few blood splatters/specks in the coop but I can't see a problem with any of the chickens. No blood in their poop or anything (that I can see). They all seem …
Blood splatter in coop, nesting boxes, all over the waterer and …
Feb 16, 2024 · Usually when I have found blood spatters, I usually cannot find the one bleeding. It is always good to look them over for a comb injury or a blood feather. One of the respiratory …
Waldo's Weekly - More News From Nowhere
Dec 11, 2019 · Hey Wyrdos, This week, Waldo thought he’d get ahead of the curve and gave out Christmas presents a little early. And this time, he even wrapped them. Where he got the …
Blood spots on egg shells? *with pics* - BackYard Chickens
May 11, 2007 · I've noticed dried blood spots on the the eggshells lately, I can't tell which hen is doing it because they all lay the same color eggs in the same nest box. What could be the …
Help! I found blood all over my chicken coop! - BackYard Chickens
Jun 26, 2012 · I find blood in my coop every now and then that looks like a massacre splatter on walls etc and generally it is from the comb, it can be the smallest little anything and it will look …
Bloody Valentine 2022 - Wyrd Forums
All entries must incorporate blood effects in a prominent way. We need a bit more than a splatter here or a handprint there. Horrific operating theaters, blood drenched villians, or whatever else …
tips on painting undead flesh - Wyrd Forums
Oct 5, 2015 · Huson IVory (Vallejo, a warmer white color works aswell) Astronomican Grey (GW, light grey works aswell) SInce this is a guide for the flesh the most important colors are: …
Mortarion's Malifaux models - Page 4 - Miniature Showcase
Jun 27, 2016 · And of course I had to paint blood splatter on the pumpkin face, both to give it more of a horror movie feel and as a reference to the intro of the movie Sleepy Hollow.
Bloody Chicken Feet - BackYard Chickens
Jul 22, 2023 · Does anyone know what’s going on with my girl? She didn’t come in last night (we moved her in ourselves) and was bloody this morning. It only seems to be her feet, both of …