How to paint blood splatter? - The Hobby Room - Wyrd Forums
2010年7月10日 · For me, it depends on how many layers of blood there are. The older the layer, the darker I make it- I mix brown and eventually black into a dark red, and do a wash of black around the edges. Fresher blood is redder, with brown splotches and edging. Fresh-ish blood is just red, and brand-new splatter is bright red with varnish.
Blood specks splashed in coop - BackYard Chickens
2010年6月26日 · I noticed quite a few blood splatters/specks in the coop but I can't see a problem with any of the chickens. No blood in their poop or anything (that I can see). They all seem okay (eating, walking around) but there are several blood splatters up on the roost area and some in the nesting boxes, too.
Help! I found blood all over my chicken coop! - BackYard Chickens
2012年6月26日 · Hi I am making this thread to ask a question. I went to go feed my chickens and there was blood all over my chickens coop and all over my hen, Peep, it was noticeable because she is a WHITE Leghorn. I examined her and I found dry blood around her nose. Is it because of the cold? I thought it could be a nose bleed possibly.
Molly's new Best Friend - Miniature Showcase - Wyrd Forums
2014年5月13日 · @Zfiend: Using the new Technical paint Blood for the Blood God. First few layers were thinned down with water, and then starting from the blade edge brushed upward building the layers and then doing it again with a less thinned down mix, and so on.
Waldo's Weekly - More News From Nowhere
2019年12月11日 · Hey Wyrdos, This week, Waldo thought he’d get ahead of the curve and gave out Christmas presents a little early. And this time, he even wrapped them. Where he got the newspaper from is a strange curiosity, and the blood splatter raises some questions, but we’re thankful all the same. So while he’...
Blood spots on egg shells? *with pics* - BackYard Chickens
2008年6月17日 · I've noticed dried blood spots on the the eggshells lately, I can't tell which hen is doing it because they all lay the same color eggs in the same nest box. What could be the cause of the blood spots and what should I do to fix it? I went and dug out the egg from the compost pile, here are some pics.
Can a chicken bleed when laying an egg? - BackYard Chickens
2010年5月3日 · Blood on the wall - I would guess that someone pecked somebody's comb and it bled a bit. When they shake their heads the blood will splatter. Sometimes you never see a scab on the comb or wattles - sometimes you do.
Bloody Valentine 2022 - Wyrd Forums
All entries must incorporate blood effects in a prominent way. We need a bit more than a splatter here or a handprint there. Horrific operating theaters, blood drenched villians, or whatever else that is sufficiently red and messy. Miniatures can be submitted any time during the contest, though none will be showcased until the day voting begins.
tips on painting undead flesh - Wyrd Forums
2015年10月5日 · Blood for the Blood god (GW) Ringmail (nitro, bright metall works aswell) Dark fleshtone (Game color) Dark Tone (army painter) Soft tone (army painter Necrotic Flesh (army painter, basecolor for the flesh) Crimson splatter (nitro, a dark red works aswell what you want with this color is to thin it out alot with water and using it as a glaze)
Let The Base Drop & Let Those Nephilim Hum
2020年8月12日 · I'm looking for new inspiration for my Nephilim bases. I just had plain white bases with black and red blood splatter. But I need more. What did you do with your bases? What did you wish you did with your bases? What cool base concepts have you seen other people do?