Blindern - Wikipedia
Blindern is the main campus of the University of Oslo, located in Nordre Aker in Oslo, Norway. [1] Most of the departments of the University of Oslo are located at Blindern; other, smaller campuses include Sentrum (law), [2] Gaustad (medicine), [3] St. Hanshaugen (odontology) [4] and Tøyen (botany, zoology, geology and paleontology). [5]
奥斯陆大学 - 百度百科
奥斯陆大学(挪威文:Universitetet i Oslo)是 挪威王国 最高学府,位于首都 奥斯陆,由 丹麦挪威二元王国 时期末代国王 弗雷德里克六世 于1811年下令建立。 为了纪念该位国王,大学最初被命名为皇家弗雷德里克大学(挪威文:Det Kongelige Frederiks Universitet),1939年更名为现名。 奥斯陆大学与瑞典 乌普萨拉大学 、丹麦 哥本哈根大学 以及芬兰 赫尔辛基大学 并列为 北欧 地区四大学府,是 欧洲研究型大学协会 、 欧洲首都大学联盟 、 欧洲大学协会 成员。 [1-2] [7] …
Campus Blindern - Universitetet i Oslo
Om UiO > Finn fram på UiO > Områdekart > Blindern English version of this page Campus Blindern Kart. Åpne kartet i MazeMap. Parkering, kollektivtransport og åpningstider. Parkering; Buss, trikk og bane; Åpningstider; Fakulteter. Det humanistiske fakultet;
Blindern videregående skole
Blindern Videregående Skole is an authorized IB school offering the last two years of the Middle Years Programme and the Diploma Programme. As an IB school we share a common philosophy with all other IB World Schools as well as a commitment to a high quality, challenging, international education that we believe is important for our students.
Campus guide - University of Oslo - Universitetet i Oslo
The main campus, Blindern, is located on the western outskirts of the city centre, and most of the faculties are located here. The Faculty of Law is located in the centre of Oslo.
Blindern station - Wikipedia
Blindern is a rapid transit station on the Oslo Metro's Sognsvann Line. It is situated in the Blindern neighborhood of the Nordre Aker borough of Oslo, Norway. Located 4.0 kilometers (2.5 mi) from Stortinget, the station is served by lines 4 and 5 of the metro, with a combined five-minute headway. Travel time to Stortinget is seven minutes.
英剧《浴血黑帮》为什么叫:Peaky Blinder? - 知乎
剧中人带的有檐(peak)的帽子,俗称peaky,因为该黑帮成员喜欢把刀片儿藏到帽檐里当做武器,因此被称为peaky(帽檐) blinders(致盲者)。 Peaky Blinders是历史上真实存在于英国伯明翰的一个街头帮派,大约活跃于1880年到1910年间。 Peaky是指他们戴的那种有檐帽,这个很多人都说了,应该没有争议。 但Blinder有几种不同的说法,因为这个剧很红,英国这边也有采访一些了解伯明翰街头历史的人做节目,甚至还有个相关的纪录片。 最广为流传的一种说法,也是剧 …
Blindern Map - Suburb - Oslo Municipality, Oslo, Norway - Mapcarta
Blindern is the main campus of the University of Oslo, located in Nordre Aker in Oslo, Norway. Mapcarta, the open map.
Blindern - Store norske leksikon
Blindern er et villastrøk og universitetsområde i Oslo, beliggende i Nordre Aker bydel, vest for Ullevål. Det har navn etter gården Blindern, som siden 2000 er embetsbolig for biskopen i Oslo. Blindern har villabebyggelse fra 1920-årene (Blindern Hageby) og har hatt forstadsbaneforbindelse (Sognsvannsbanen) siden 1934.
BLINDER中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
BLINDER翻译:出色表现, (尤指体育方面的)精彩表现, 马的装备。 了解更多。