Blessings Abound
Our No-Cost Donation pick up is great when you are moving. Moving is expensive. Donating is a great option for gently used items. Blessings Abound can stop by more than once if needed as you are navigating the difficult process of relocation.
Blessings Abound
Blessings Abound Thrift Store is a Christian not for profit organization called to serve the metro Kansas City Community by selling and recycling donated merchandise in order to provide aid to people in need. Achieving our mission goes beyond being good stewards and expands to many different avenues of community growth.
DONATE + PICK-UP REQUEST - Blessings Abound
Blessings Abound | 10325 Metcalf Avenue | Overland Park, Kansas 66212 (Next to Subway) Monday - Saturday 9 - 6 | Donation Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 - 5:30 913.648.0700 | [email protected]
FAQ - Blessings Abound
Blessings Abound provides funds to MLM, LUMA, Operation Breakthrough, Mission Southside, and Hopebuilders on a monthly basis. Funds are also provided on a grant basis to various, local non-profits from the “Blessings Fund.”
Useful for Donors Needing One-Stop Removal of Everything, While Ensuring Blessings Abound Benefits from Sellable Items. Any and all items accepted! All eligible items are donated while remaining items are disposed of.
Contact Us - Blessings Abound
Donations may be taken over the phone at 913.648.0700 or mail to: Blessings Abound, 10325 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas 66212.
Blessings Abound Fund
This fund supports one time grant requests. Blessings Abound has provided grants to 33 different nonprofit organizations in the Kansas City area! Your donations do tremendous work in the KC Metro!
Furniture - Blessings Abound
Donations may be taken over the phone at 913.648.0700 or mail to: Blessings Abound, 10325 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas 66212. More Than Just a Thrift Store Stay in touch with us to keep informed of our many sales and promotions.
Monetary Donation - Blessings Abound
Blessings Abound | 10325 Metcalf Avenue | Overland Park, Kansas 66212 (Next to Subway) Monday - Saturday 9 - 6 | Donation Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 - 5:30 913.648.0700 | [email protected]
February Events - Blessings Abound
Blessings Abound Go Green Event Featured in Mission Kansas' Go Green Exhibition. Showcasing how Blessings Abound Reclaims, Re-Imagines and Recycles Clothing and Furniture.