The film stars Ronnie Rowe as a Black Canadian police officer who himself becomes the victim of racial profiling, and takes revenge on his community. [2] [3] In February 2018, the film was …
2018年5月1日 · Black Cop: Directed by Cory Bowles. With Ronnie Rowe, Sophia Walker, Sebastien Labelle, Simon Mutabazi. A black police officer is pushed to the edge, taking out his …
Barry Hertz Globe and Mail Tilting between social satire and pitch-black drama with unnerving ease, Cory Bowles's feature debut Black Cop is an intriguing high-wire act.
Black Cop. A police officer is pushed to the edge after being profiled and assaulted by his colleagues, setting him on a skewed mission of vengeance on the privileged. A satire on …
Armed with the power of his badge, an antagonizing radio show for company, and some good old fashioned rage, the stage is set for a whirlwind day filled with vendetta and just desserts, as …
His title character Ronnie Rowe Jr, known simply as Black Cop, is stellar in his role as a complex, deeply flawed yet identifiable officer that I couldn't help root for. Already feeling disillusioned, …