At Biosol, we are dedicated to connecting world-leading laboratory solutions with academic, medical, and industrial innovators. As a team member, you'll contribute to advancing research, diagnostics, and industry through cutting-edge technology and unparalleled customer support.
Maintenance & Shock Treatment Products for Septic Tanks - Bio-Sol
Innovative solutions for septic system & wastewater treatment. Our bacteria & enzymes eliminate odors & backups for good. Try a shock treatment!
Biosol Natural
Biosol, also known as dry mycelium, is a by-product from the manufacturing process of penicillin. A starch based tackifier & dust controller made in the USA. A natural mined mineral which is a natural trace mineral, carbon and humic acid based granular soil conditioner.
Boost Soil Health with Biosol 6-1-1 Fertilizer - We Fix Dirt
Biosol is a 100% organic fertilizer made from dry mycelium, offering a sustainable, nature-based solution for improving soil health. This organic soil amendment releases nutrients slowly, enhancing plant growth and strengthening resistance to disease.
Achieve Lush and Vibrant Plants with Biosol Forte 7-2-1 ...
Biosol Forte is a fermented plant based organic fertilizer, sterilized and free of weed seeds. Biosol Forte’s beneficial bacterial biomass and fungal biomass enhances soil health and microbial life.
Organic Fertilizers | Colorado | Bowman Construction Supply
Biosol is a fermented plant-based organic fertilizer and soil amendment. Biosol Forte (7-2-1) and Biosol (6-1-1) are complex multi-nutrient fertilizers high in organic matter, chitin and dry mycelium and composed of 95-97% organically bound nitrogen and 50% protein content.
Biosol Fertilizer for Sustainable Soil Enrichment
Biosol builds humus, feed soil microbes, feeds mycorrhizae and supplies natural nutrients to plants. Slow release nutrients promote plant growth while deterring weed growth. Biosol unlocks nutrients that are tied up in soils, and has proven and award-winning results in harsh conditions with little or no topsoil.