Biodermis - The Science of Skin
Biodermis is the leader in Scar Management and Post Operative Care products for over 30 years. Epi-Derm silicone gel sheeting, Xeragel and Dermasof ointments, Pro-Sil Silicone sticks, and …
All – Biodermis
Biodermis is the leader in Scar Management and Post Operative Care products for over 30 years. Epi-Derm silicone gel sheeting, Xeragel and Dermasof ointments, Pro-Sil Silicone sticks, and …
Silicone Scar Treatment | Biodermis
Simply put, Biodermis scar sheets and silicone gels are the best and only clinically proven topical treatment method for improving the appearance of scars. Every surgical incision, cut, scrape …
Scar Care Products - Biodermis
For over 25 years, Biodermis has been a pioneer in the development of innovative solutions for scar care, and our culture of innovation ensures that you can expect that trend to continue.
About Epiderm - Biodermis
Biodermis is the originator of silicone sheeting in the industry and the first to introduce a variety of configurations and thicknesses, while maintaining the highest quality and regulatory standard. …
Epi-Derm | Biodermis
Silicone gel sheeting for scars. Epi-Derm and Epi-Derm Natural are the premium silicone gel sheeting available for scar management. Original clear Epi-Derm set the standard for comfort …
Pro-Sil Silicone Scar Stick - Biodermis
Patented, award-winning Pro-Sil from Biodermis is a revolutionary silicone stick for scars. Pro-Sil is available with and without SPF, as well as a unique formulation for kids. The Pro-Sil stick …
Dermasof Skincare – Biodermis
Clinically proven luxury skincare formulated with revolutionary anti-aging peptide technology. These multi-peptide compositions not only ensure deep penetration into the dermal cells, but …
Products by Type – Biodermis
Biodermis is the leader in Scar Management and Post Operative Care products for over 30 years. Epi-Derm silicone gel sheeting, Xeragel and Dermasof ointments, Pro-Sil Silicone sticks, and …
Silicone Sticks for Scars: Pro-Sil 4.25g - Biodermis
Pro-Sil, Pro-Sil SPF and Kids Pro-Sil for scars all feature patented silicone scar therapy technology from Biodermis. The Pro-Sil stick provides the same industry leading scar …