Bikram Yoga Poses - 26 Postures / Asanas In Great Detail
Bikram Yoga poses consist of 26 groups of postures (known as Asanas). By doing these yoga poses, one can exercise and invigorate all of the body by stimulating its glands, nerves, and organs and by improving circulation of oxygen throughout the body.
84 Advanced Bikram Yoga Postures
2013年5月31日 · Bikram Yoga is divided into 2 types: 84 APs and 26 BPs. The 84 APs include all 26 BPs. Although both types of yoga are taught by Bikram Choudhury–founder and president of Bikram Yoga, those who know about APs are fewer than those who know about BPs. This article will answer the following 3 questions: 1. Why do fewer people know about APs? 2.
The Triangle Pose – Instructions & Video - Bikram Yoga Poses
2013年7月5日 · The triangle pose is the 9th pose you’ll be performing out of all 26 Bikram Yoga asanas. It comes immediately after the Standing Separate-Leg Stretching Pose and is followed by the Standing Separate-Leg Head-to-Knee Pose .
Bikram Yoga Poses - 26 Postures / Asanas In Great Detail
Looking for a list of all the Bikram Yoga Poses? You've just found it - all the 26 Asanas are available with videos and detailed step-by-step guides
Standing Deep Breathing Pose – Instructions - Bikram Yoga Poses
2013年6月29日 · The Standing Deep Breathing Pose is the first posture performed during any Bikram Yoga session, before the main 26 postures. It’s original name is Pranayama, which means “an extension of your breathing / life force.” Purposes & Benefits
Standing Bow-Pulling Pose – Step by Step - Bikram Yoga Poses
2013年7月2日 · The Standing Bow-Pulling Pose is the 6th posture you’ll be performing as part of the 26 Bikram Yoga Postures. It follows the Standing Head-to-Knee Pose and comes right before the Balancing Stick Pose. It’s original name is Dandayamana Dhanurasana. Benefits & Purposes
Balancing Stick Pose – Step by Step - Bikram Yoga Poses
2013年7月4日 · The Balancing Stick pose is the 7th posture done as part of all Bikram Yoga exercises; it comes right after the Standing Bow-Pulling pose, and right before the Standing Separate-Leg Stretching Pose. It’s original name is the Tuladandasana.
Standing Separate-Leg Head-to-Knee Pose - Instructions - Bikram …
2013年7月6日 · The Standing Separate-Leg Head-to-Knee Pose is the 10th of the 26 Bikram Yoga Asanas. It immediately follows the Triangle Pose and precedes the Tree Pose. Its original name is the fancy Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana. How To Perform The Standing Separate-Leg Head-to-Knee Pose
Standing Head-to-Knee Pose – Instructions - Bikram Yoga Poses
2013年7月1日 · The Standing Head-to-Knee pose is simple to execute, yet it’s a posture that requires immense flexibility in the hamstring, hips, and upper back areas, but also great balance and stability. It is the fifth of all the Bikram Yoga Poses, and comes right after the Eagle Pose and right before the Standing Bow-Pulling Pose.
The Awkward Pose – Instructions - Bikram Yoga Poses
2013年6月29日 · The Awkward Pose is the third of the 26 Bikram Yoga poses that you will be performing as part of your session; it comes right after the Half-moon and Hands-to-Feet pose and before the Eagle Pose . The original name of this posture is Utkatasana which translates to “Frightening, wild pose.”