About bhvj - Intel Community
This is a community forum where members can ask and answer questions about Intel products.
List Directed I/O Error - Intel Community
Feb 24, 2015 · You've still got a couple of fundamental Fortran concepts to understand. You've declared your real array as having the indices (11,3), which means the first index ranges from 1->11, the second from 1->3.
Question: Reading a large column (1D-array) and writing slices of …
Feb 4, 2015 · I am trying to read a large single column (which I am trying to read in as a 1-D array), and then to write slices of this array as rows until the end of the data. Please suggest me the best way to accomplish this task. Thanks in advance.
I/O Question - Intel Community
Mar 10, 2015 · Hi. I have an input output question. I am trying to read the values as in the attached text file, until end of file, then multiply the last value (from beginning to end) by a coefficient (example 0.5) and output the table in the same …
EOF Question - Intel Community
Mar 6, 2015 · Hi I was trying to implement the EOF function, in order to read until end of the input file, as DO WHILE (.NOT. EOF(unit number of open file)) It gives the following error: forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 121, Attached herewith is …
creating a batch file within FORTRAN - Intel Community
Feb 11, 2015 · I have a set of output files that are created by a FORTRAN program in a directory, with which I would like to perform a set of operations such as copy, rename, and execute another FORTRAN executable using these output files as the arguments, all in a batch mode. Is there a way in FORTRAN to perform ...
Calculating Number of Calendar Days in a Year - Intel Community
Sep 15, 2015 · Hi, I am trying to calculate the Number of Calendar Days in a Year (1 through 365/366) in every step, along with other calculations and output with the other calculated output. I tried to do this as in the attached program, but was not successful. I …
Implementing Table Lookup - Intel Community
Mar 5, 2015 · Hi, Please disregard my previous posts in this regard. Attached herewith is a modified draft program (including the input file) where I have tried to create a subroutine called "fetchvalue" I am having trouble with the driver program, when I am trying to call this subroutine. I am getting an err...
No, EOF is not specific to - Intel Community
Mar 6, 2015 · No, EOF is not specific to the DO loop, that;s just where you had it. While you can use EOF to test to see if you are at end of file, most Fortran programmers would add IOSTAT=integer-variable on each READ and test to see if it was negative, indicating an end of file. Or, they might use END= to bran...
Stepwise calculation for large datasets in Fortran
Feb 28, 2015 · Hi, I am trying to do stepwise calculations, for each day, by using an equation in a Fortran program, using the datasets, as in the attached (each dataset has 18262 values corresponding to 18262 days). The output of the program would be another new dataset in which the two datasets are combined per ...