Green Enters The Battlefield (Commander / EDH MTG Deck)
Updated Feb 19, 2025 by joovo using our MTG Deck Builder. Inspired by the Stampeding creatures I would like to use ETB as much as possible.
Mono Green Big Bombs (Commander / EDH MTG Deck)
Updated Dec 22, 2024 by Suman_Dragon using our MTG Deck Builder. This is my Green deck, it is the first EDH deck I made.
EDH "Finishers" toolkit (Commander / EDH MTG Deck)
Each player has maybe one or two large (5/5 or bigger) creatures on the battlefield. All players have 7 or more lands in play. All players have graveyards with at least 2 creatures and 2 non …
Best-Green-Deck-Ever! (Modern MTG Deck) - TappedOut.net
Usually all you need is 4-5 creatures and a freshly casted Craterhoof Behemoth for a win, or just let a Primordial Hydra get stupid big. There is no need to power out 14 creatures and lose to a …
Big Green Creatures (Commander / EDH MTG Deck)
Updated Sep 21, 2024 by Penguinn552 using our MTG Deck Builder. Play basically only creatures and related payoffs, and enjoy all the different big creatures in mtg.
MTG Deck: The Crafty Companion to Cheating out Creatures
Have you ever wanted to get out some creatures, but don't have enough mana to pay for them? Well, using this guide that won't be a problem again. This is a semi-complete list of all the …
Green Black Creatures (Standard MTG Deck) - TappedOut.net
This is my first legitimate attempt at a standard deck. I was going for black green with an emphasis on pulling creatures back from the graveyard. A life/death horde, if you will. Any and …
Modern Mono-Green Stompy + In-Depth Guide - TappedOut.net
This deck can and will win against some of the best modern decks in the format and can do very well at FNMs with a good player and bit of old fashioned good luck, like any Magic: the …
Top 10 green cards at 6 cmc — MTG Forum - TappedOut.net
Aug 13, 2020 · Seasons Past is one of Green's best card draw spells. It can easily draw you 4-5 cards for 6, and if they were in your graveyard chances are you are you want those cards. …
Green +1/+1 Counter (Modern MTG Deck) - TappedOut.net
Main strategy is to pump up certain creatures in the deck with +1/+1 Counters, mainly the Hydra. Doubling season increases the effect of all the +1/+1 counter spells, as well as buffing the …