What to add to fuel for lubrication??? - The Diesel Stop
2010年5月8日 · Gas, oil and Diesel fuel additive (NOT ULSD compliant, may damage 2007 and newer systems) HFRR 678, 42 microns worse than baseline fuel. 320:1 ratio 10.4 oz/tank …
Lubricity Additive Study Results - Diesel Place
2007年8月25日 · Gas, oil, and Diesel fuel additive (NOT ULSD compliant, may damage 2007 and newer systems) HFRR 678, 42 microns worse than baseline fuel. 320:1 ratio 10.4 oz/tank …
Best Diesel Additive | Cummins Diesel Forum
2008年6月11日 · I'm not a chemist, but I didn't see anything in the product that would explain its' excellent HFRR score on the diesel place fuel additive study. According to the Opti-Lube XPD …
What is the best fuel additive for the LB7 - Diesel Place
2010年3月28日 · 06 LBZ CCSB Banks Cold air, Banks Cat Back, EGR Delete with "mild" tune. Cat to go next. Sold it 02 2500HD basically stock, 450k miles now. 5 sets of injectors, valves …
Best fuel additive - Dodge Cummins Diesel Forum
2013年3月3日 · Well I can tell you that my truck is quieter with the 2 stroke oil vs without, and its not rocket science, today's ultra low sulfur diesel (sulfur being the lubricant) accelerates wear …
Best fuel additive | Cummins Diesel Forum
2010年7月8日 · 91.5 W250. 518-360 Swap, 12cm housing, Bosch 190s, Keldermann air ride. 98 12V Extended Cab 4x4 Auto - Stock and slow.
Fuel Lubricity additive - Diesel Place
2020年2月24日 · GM will have there recommended Diesel Fuel Conditioner. So if they recommend it I have no problem using what ever flavor of your choice. Stanadyne, Power …
what is the best lubricant to put in the fuel system???
2010年6月1日 · Problem with your reasoning is sulfur isn't a lubricant, internet legend and money making scam by additive manufacturers. By federal law ULSD must have the same lubricity as …
best vp44 lubricant? | Cummins Diesel Forum
2009年10月23日 · If your cummins is equipped with a vp44 injection pump using an additive is very beneficial. The system was designed to run on low sulfur diesel fuel (500 ppm), not the …
Fuel additive | Cummins Diesel Forum
2024年1月20日 · I run lucas fuel additive or diesel kleen and have had no issues with the 6.7... I would not run atf in any diesel that has a dpf... 2018 Ram 2500 6.7 4x4- 95 Dodge Club Cab …