Cal Falcons
Cal Falcons We are the Peregrine Falcons nesting on top of UC Berkeley’s Campanile! Come check out our live webcams to see what we’re up to! Follow on Instagram. Cal Falcons Banner photo by John Davis @jozoqo_photo. Proudly powered by WordPress. ...
Webcams | Cal Falcons - University of California, Berkeley
Cal Falcons Banner photo by John Davis @jozoqo_photo. Proudly powered by WordPress. ...
History | Cal Falcons
In May 2017, the Falcons fledged two young, named Fiat (male) and Lux (female) after Berkeley’s motto. Fiat survived to independence and left his parents’ territory in August. Lux was unfortunately killed when she hit a window. In 2018, we were excited to see the adult Falcons initiating courtship around the Campanile again.
Falcon FAQ | Cal Falcons
Bird embryos only develop when the egg is warm – if the egg is cool, the embryo does not grow. Many bird species, including Peregrine Falcons try to synchronize the hatch of their chicks so they’re all roughly the same age developmentally. The difference between a 3-day old chick and a 1-day old chick can be huge!
Meet the Scientists | Cal Falcons - University of California, Berkeley
He has been engaged in a long term studies of golden eagles, prairie falcons and other raptors in California with an emphasis on assessing impacts from anthropogenic activities. Carla Cicero: Carla Cicero is a retired Staff Curator of Birds at the UC Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. She completed both her B.S. and PhD at Berkeley, and has ...
Media Coverage | Cal Falcons - University of California, Berkeley
We are thrilled to see how the Cal Falcons have generated excitement in the community! Here is a running list of news coverage and other outreach. Cal Falcons Banner photo by John Davis @jozoqo_photo. Proudly powered by WordPress. ...
Thank You 2021 | Cal Falcons - calfalcons.berkeley.edu
Sean Peterson, UC Berkeley – Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. Lynn Schofield, The Institute For Bird Populations. Peter Sharpe, Institute for Wildlife Studies . Interested in helping support Cal Falcons? You can donate to the program here. Donations will be used for camera maintenance, education, and research.
HatchDay | Cal Falcons
Cal Falcons Banner photo by John Davis @jozoqo_photo. Proudly powered by WordPress. ...
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