HK import M1 Super 90 LE Package - Benelli USA Forums
2021年11月23日 · I recently acquired an HK imported M1 Super 90 package. It came with a PG stock, straight stock, 20” barrel, 26” barrel, and optic mount. The proof mark on the 26” barrel is AS, which as I understand dates it to 1987. It has several upgrades, a GG&G magazine follower, oversized safety, and anti walk pin, optic mount, etc.
M1 Super 90 Scope mount - Benelli - Benelli USA Forums
2005年3月26日 · Benelli ; M1 Super 90 Scope mount M1 Super 90 Scope mount. By mdavenpo March 26, 2005 in Benelli . Share ...
M1 Super 90 Finish - Benelli - Benelli USA Forums
2007年8月12日 · New to the forum, and glad to be here. I purchased a low round H&K (Sterling VA) stamped M1 Super 90 from Gunbroker. It came complete with all chokes, tool, etc., but no box or factory oil. Yesterday I decided to give it a good cleaning and put in back into the safe. While I was cleaning it, ...
M1 super 90 problems - Benelli - Benelli USA Forums
2018年5月10日 · From the Benelli M1 Manual: Extensive testing in ballistics labs and repeated field-testing of our line produced weapons put at 180 kgm the lowest level of kinetic energy that must be generated by the cartridge 12 gauge and at 125 kgm for 20 gauge to fully cycle the action (the measurement was taken on a manometric barrel, according to at a velocity of V1 at 10 …
M1 Super 90 extra/replacement barrels?? - Benelli USA Forums
2016年12月2日 · I have an M1 Super 90 12 gauge, that I absolutely love. I am a working police officer and now have permission to make it my carry shotgun on patrol, but is has a 28 inch barrel. On line it appears that M1 barrels, especially shorter ones, for sale are very rare. I am new to Benelli's, so my quest...
Benelli super 90 vs m4 - Benelli - Benelli USA Forums
2011年7月19日 · The Super 90 is not a singular model. "Super 90" is a line of shotguns consisting of the M1, M2, M3, M4. The Benelli M4 Super 90, specifically, is no different than other M4's. Benelli USA just doesn't market the M4 as "Super 90" in the US. There are several variants of the M4 Super 90, which include the M4 Entry, M4 Tactical, and M1014.
Benelli M1 Super 90 Stock Replacement question
2022年12月15日 · I am wanting to change from the pistol grip stock to a m1/m3 standard (no pistol grip) stock for my Benelli M1 super 90. I have purchased the Benelli standard m1/m3stock for this and it is on the way. The stock does not come with part number 60343 synthetic stock swivel plate installed. The swivel plate is available separately.
M1 90 Wood stock/fore end? - Benelli - Benelli USA Forums
2008年2月7日 · the key to Benelli forends for fitting one is the size of the barrel ring,,if its M1 series ring the front of the forend has a large opening to fit the forend,,the Montrefeltros have a small barrel ring so of course a different forend must be used,,,as far as stocks go all super 90 series should fit,,now the older pre 86s won;t at all but the super 90 back to forends now will fit …
Super 90 M1 serial number issue? - Benelli USA Forums
2011年10月4日 · Not too sure of the retail value of a single serial number digit, but (let's say) it was just #4 on a model 1911 .45 ACP or perhaps #3 on a Browning Auto-5 or even #2 on Benelli M1 Super 90, I'm sure I couldn't afford it
M1 Super 90 compatible stocks - Benelli - Benelli USA Forums
2018年12月16日 · Go to the source, call Benelli and ask. The two I noted listed on ebay specified those stocks listed there would fit both the M1 and M3. M2 stocks are definitely different from M1 stocks, however I'm fairly confident all M1 stocks are interchangeable, but again, go to the source and get a straight answer.