Flag of Brazil - Wikipedia
The national flag of Brazil is a blue disc depicting a starry sky (which includes the Southern Cross) spanned by a curved band inscribed with the national motto Ordem e Progresso ('Order and …
Flag of Brazil | History, Meaning & Design | Britannica
flag of Brazil national flag consisting of a green field (background) with a large yellow diamond incorporating a blue disk with a white band and stars. Its width-to-length ratio is 7 to 10.
Bendera Brasil - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Bendera Brasil ini dipakai oleh pemerintahan sejak tanggal 19 November 1889. Desainnya oleh Raimundo Teixeira Mendes dengan warna latar hijau dengan jajar genjang kuning di tengah …
List of Brazilian flags - Wikipedia
This article is a list of Brazilian flags. Historical flags of Brazil, in panoply. The green background represents the house of Bragança. The yellow rhombus represents the house of Habsburg. …
Flag of Brazil - Flagpedia.net
Current flag of Brazil with a history of the flag and information about Brazil country.
Flags, Symbols & Currency of Brazil - World Atlas
The National Flag of Brazil features a green field with a large yellow diamond (rhombus), with a blue celestial globe in its center; the country uses The Brazilian Real as its national currency; …
Flag of Brazil – Colors, Meaning, History - Edarabia
Brazil has a unique flag. It consists of the colors blue, green, and yellow. The background is green with a yellow rhombus located at the center. Within the rhombus is a blue globe. The globe …