Behringer | Home
Behringer is an audio equipment company founded in 1989 by Uli Behringer. They specialize in products for the Tour and Live Sound, Hospitality, Musician and Recording and Broadcast markets.
Our Story - Behringer
With over 40 different Behringer guitar and bass amplifiers released in just 6 years (all of solid-state design), it was time for the next big thing – tube amplification! The pièce de résistance for every guitarist – nothing compares to the immediate response and dynamic subtlety when playing a guitar through an all-tube signal path.
Wing Rack - Behringer
Programmable GPIO delays additionally allow triggering of sequential events, e.g., automatically powering up amplifier racks after the console is fully booted.
Welcome! Any ideas about our products? This is the place to tell us feature requests, crazy new ideas, improvements or report bugs. Important: Need customer/tech support, please reach out to Music Tribe Support.. We’re a team, let’s work together:
Add a global Tap Tempo which can be used for any FX with tap …
B Behringer. Sign in. Sign up. WING Series. Roadmap. 64 0. Add a global Tap Tempo which can be used for any FX with tap tempo control. On the A&H Consoles 8dLive, Avantis or SQ for instance) you can either choose a seperated FX Tap Tempo or the Tempo will be controled by a global TAP. This is very handy when you use more than one FX with the ...
More output routing options | Behringer
Currently, the Main out and Headphones out of the X-Air series can receive signal from Main bus, Monitor busses or USB returns. When using the mixer as a in-ear monitor mixer (controlled by the musicians on stage with X-Air Q) it would be great to be able to use all outputs for iEMs, including Main mix and Headphone, for up to 5 stereo mixes or 10 mono mixes on XR18. Right now, …
More alternative sources per channel | Behringer
Right now we have “Main” and Alt” per input channel to preselct sources. I’d like to expand that to four, like “Main” and then “Alt A” to “Alt C”. A nice addition would be the possibility to rename them globally, like Alt C becomming “VirtSC” for Virtual Soundcheck or similar.The absolute icing on the cake would be the possibility to optionally premix those sources ...
Wing Edit missing Load/Save/Scope section for Library-Mixer …
Using a console I can save/load snaps via the console. But Wing-Rack is thought to be used remote. Without the Load/Snave/Scope section, like it is available when a snap is saved via the “Edit” tab, the Wing-Rack is unfortunately not usable. Thats why this is for me not only a missing function but a bug. I need to load different snaps during a show for different songs and groups …
(Feature) Group/BUS spill like DCA spill | Behringer
Hello,I would propose the idea to take the spill feature further and implement it also to groups or general to mix busses.The way this could be done in a simple way could be to take mute status of the bus send as indicator if that channel is assigned to the bus.Then you can pop the group similar as a DCA by holding down the select button.Especially for the fullsize wing, this could …
Channel Levels in Bus/Main View | Behringer
In addition to the channel “switch“ view on the BUS/MAIN overview page (where you can assign channels to the BUS(MAIN), a second view would come in handy, with the “send levels“ of the assigned channels.Image shows the “switch“ view. A second view with only the selected channel sends would be nice!