How do I fight the kimono girls? - Pokemon SoulSilver
2010年3月14日 · Beat All The Gym Leaders. Then Go To Prof.Elm's Lab and Lyra Will tell you that the kimino girls are waiting in the dance theater in Ecruteak, But You'll have To Fight All 5 Of them So Go There Prepared. weather you have Soulsilver Or HeartGold After You Beat the Kimino girls You Can Go Capture Lugia Wich Is In The Top Right Cave Once You Go in the cave go right and talk to the guy and he'll ...
STUCK! Can't battle Kimono Girls! - Pokémon HeartGold Version
2010年12月16日 · Can't battle Kimono Girls! The main girl just keeps on saying thank you and that the people should thank Professor Elm and Mr. Pokemon. I went back to Prof Elm and Mr. Pokemon, called Prof. Oak ...
Kimono girls aren't fighting me, why? - Pokemon SoulSilver
2010年3月14日 · Actually MANR1QUE You cannot go to the pokemon league without doing the kimono girls quest. When you get the Rising Badge from Clair you get a phone call from Prof. Elm about an item. Go to New Bark Town and talk with him to get the master ball and he will say about the girls in Ectreak City in the Dance Studio.
What happens after you beat the kimono girls? - GameFAQs
2010年3月14日 · - From there on, just follow the road down. Meet up with the Kimono Girls, watch an awesome scene, Save, and prepare to battle/capture it. As for which Pokemon to use the Master Ball on, I'd say any of the roaming Pokemon (Entei, Raikou or Latias when it …
How do I beat Kimono Girls? - GameFAQs
2010年3月14日 · As Monster Scouts, players can recruit wild monsters to build a team and battle against other players in this turn-ba... Fossil Fighters: Champions In this dino-tastic sequel, players get some hands-on time to hunt and clean fossils, and revive and battle Vivosaurs...
Where to go After fight against Kimono girls? - GameFAQs
2010年3月14日 · As Monster Scouts, players can recruit wild monsters to build a team and battle against other players in this turn-ba... Fossil Fighters: Champions In this dino-tastic sequel, players get some hands-on time to hunt and clean fossils, and revive and battle Vivosaurs...
5 kimono girls rapid battle? - GameFAQs
2010年3月14日 · As Monster Scouts, players can recruit wild monsters to build a team and battle against other players in this turn-ba... Fossil Fighters: Champions In this dino-tastic sequel, players get some hands-on time to hunt and clean fossils, and revive and battle Vivosaurs...
Where are the Kimono Girls? - Pokemon HeartGold Version Q&A …
2010年3月14日 · The pond behind the Pokémon Center in Cherrygrove City, visible but inaccessible in Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal, is now accessible through a new path on Route 30; however, due to there being only one set of encounter data for all bodies of water in a given map, entirely different Pokémon can be caught in this pond depending on whether the player is on the Cherrygrove City side or the ...
*When can I face the Kimono Girls to get the Clear Bell so I can ...
2010年3月14日 · Once the 5 Kimono Girls are defeated, you'll get the Clear (HeartGold) or Tidal (SoulSilver) Bell. A little girl will rush in telling them she just saw Ho-oh (HeartGold) or Lugia (SoulSilver) flying overhead to its roost. The Kimono Girls will then leave for the bird's lair. Follow suit and bring lots of Quick, Dusk, Timer, and Ultra Balls.
Cant defeat Kimono Girls, help please. - GameFAQs
Anyways sorry for all the ranting, to conclude I want to level my pokemon up abit because even if I manage to pull off n Miracle and beat them I won't stand a chance against the Elites so is there a place I can train my pokemon with wild pokemon level around 35-40 except for Victory Road because the only way I can get there is by beating the ...