Batrider - Dota 2 Wiki
The Cooldown Reduction allows Batrider to keep using abilities, which is especially threatening to enemies with an increased frequency of Flaming Lasso. Rod of Atos will give Batrider bonus health and intellgence along with a root that will allow …
Batrider/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Batrider is traditionally played as an initiator, dragging enemies back to his team with Flaming Lasso. The ability remains the number one reason he is played competitively. However, considering how strong Lasso is in the right hands, it often gets nerfed a little, and Icefrog compensates by...
Batrider/Counters - Dota 2 Wiki
Batrider is usually a team's main initiator and pick-off tool through Flaming Lasso. Therefore Batrider will work well with any teammate that reacts to his initiation, either with high burst damage to kill the target during Lasso, or with extra lockdown after the Lasso expires, like Lina, Lion, Mirana, etc. Finally, Batrider's damage is only ...
Batrider - Dota 2 Вики
Большинство противников, попав в джунгли Йама Раскав, начинают прорубаться сквозь заросли в надежде найти беглеца. Batrider же предпочитает просто уничтожить лес, а заодно и врагов в нем.
Batrider/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
Allies meeting Batrider ️ r Your flying horse is…quite impressive. ️ r Ah, Batrider, we shall boil their blood. ️ r Oh I've been to Yama Raskav. Awful place. Good on ya for leaving! ️ r I'll be honest, Batrider.
Batrider/Bugs - Dota 2 Wiki
When Batrider died, entering enemy vision with Firefly active causes him to appear below the ground and slowly emerge to the surface. For this to happen, Batrider must have died and after respawning, must stay out of enemy vision and cast Firefly before enemies gain vision over him.
Batrider - Dota 2 Wiki
Batrider is occasionally referred to as "Batman" in game, mostly due to the recent popularity of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy starring Christian Bale and Gary Oldman. In DotA, Batrider's full name was "Jin'zakk, the Batrider". In Dota 2, …
Batrider/Changelogs - Dota 2 Wiki
Batrider no longer has Intelligence as a primary attribute and is now a Universal hero. Reduced strength gain from 2.9 to 2. Reduced agility gain from 1.8 to 1.4.
Prized Acquisitions - Dota 2 Wiki
in: Cosmetic Items, Not tradeable cosmetic items, Not marketable cosmetic items, Batrider equipment
Batrider/Responses - Dota 2 Wiki
️ Batrider! ️ There's no taming me! ️ I rode mine here! ️ Got a bat's eye view of the battle. ️ If you don't ride into battle, you don't ride at all. ️ Ee-haw! That's my signal. ️ Life just...