1992年9月13日 · Barbara Noel enlisted the help of writer Kathryn Watterson to tell the world her story about a Chicago psychiatrist who injected her with Amytal, a barbiturate, and had sex with her while she...
Patient’s Painful Story Told in ‘Trust’ - Los Angeles Times
1994年1月3日 · The singer, Barbara Noel, told the painful, shameful, sordid story in her 1992 book, “You Must Be Dreaming,” written with Kathryn Watterson.
You Must Be Dreaming: Noel, Barbara: 9780671741532: …
1992年9月1日 · A woman sexually abused by the man she trusted most describes her battle to bring her psychiatrist, Dr. Jules Masserman, to justice for drugging and raping her, describing how the doctor's own colleagues refused to believe her charges. 50,000 first printing. Tour. Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. Read it now.
- 3.2/5(13)
1992年10月11日 · From Oregon: I found the psychiatric profession`s disinterest, denial and cover-up more disturbing than what happened to Barbara Noel. The same thing happened to my cousin a few years ago. She...
You Must Be Dreaming - Barbara Noël - Google Books
This is the story of her uphilll fight for justice. From its shocking beginning to its haunting conclusion, YOU MUST BE DREAMING is the extraordinary journey of a gifted young woman who...
You must be dreaming : Noël, Barbara : Free Download, Borrow, …
2021年5月5日 · Originally published: New York, Poseidon, 1992.
'Just One Crazy Female Patient' - The New York Times
1993年1月10日 · BARBARA NOEL is a courageous woman. With the publication of "You Must Be Dreaming," she moves to the front rank of those who have successfully spoken out to accuse prominent and powerful men of...
You Must Be Dreaming - amazon.com
1993年11月1日 · When singer/composer Barbara Noel regained consciousness earlier than usual during one of her "therapy sessions," she discovered her esteemed doctor was raping her. This is the story of her uphilll fight for justice.
- 3.2/5(13)
You Must Be Dreaming by Barbara Noel - Goodreads
1992年9月1日 · A woman sexually abused by the man she trusted most describes her battle to bring her psychiatrist, Dr. Jules Masserman, to justice for drugging and raping her, describing how the doctor's own colleagues refused to believe her charges. 50,000 first printing. Tour. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book!
You must be dreaming : Barbara Noël : Free Download, Borrow, …
2012年8月10日 · Noël, Barbara, Masserman, Jules Hymen, 1905-, Sexually abused patients -- United States -- Biography, Psychiatrists -- Professional ethics -- United States -- Case studies Publisher Poseidon Press