Bangladesh Police
Bangladesh Police is the core law enforcement agency of Bangladesh. It is administered under the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of Bangladesh. It plays the prime and pivotal role in maintaining law and order of the state.
Bangladesh Police
বাংলাদেশ পুলিশের ক্যাডেট সাব-ইন্সপেক্টর (নিরস্ত্র) অব পুলিশ নিয়োগ - ২০২৪ এর Computer Competency Test এর নির্দেশনাবলি। SB & Police …
Bangladesh Police
The rank system forms the base of Bangladesh Police structure and it defines a senior and subordinates police officer’s position, role and degree of responsibilities. There are different insignias that the officers and forces use on their uniform according to their designation.
Bangladesh Police
Bangladesh Police Police Headquarters 6,Phoenix Road, Fulbaria Dhaka - 1000 Operation Control Room
Bangladesh Police
Unit Contact ...
Bangladesh Police
During the period of 1993-2005, police functions in Bangladesh have been extended according to the demand of time and necessity and consequentially, the manpower in the Police Headquarters also has almost doubled.
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Bangladesh Police
Chittagong Metropolitan Police, established in November 30, 1978, is one of the most important units of Bangladesh police. It has a jurisdiction on an area of 304,66 sq km and serves the people with 08 circles, 16 police stations -- Kotwali, Chandgaon, Panchlaish, Doublemooring, Pahartali, Bandar, Baijid bostami, Hali Shohor, Kornafuli, Potenga ...
22 Joint Police Comissioner (Addl. DIG) CT 49350297 01713398407 01320-037034 23 Joint Police Comissioner (Addl. DIG) Transport 9348450 01713398405 01320-037035 [email protected] 24 Joint Police Comissioner (Addl. DIG) Reserved (44 SIM) 01320037036-01320037079 Unit/Office Name: Dhaka Metropoliton Police (DMP) DC HQ Office Page 1
Bangladesh Police
Necessary information about Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) A PCC seeker has to apply with an application addressing Superintendent of Police or Police Commissioner of metropolitan police. 1.