The Balance Prism - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
Jan 4, 2012 · However we have spent 3 years trying to catch up to the power of Judgement. Should we spend another 3 years trying to catch up all the schools to Balance and the power of Judgement and a convert or should all schools get caught up to each other first and then move forward as a group. Balance still is the school less affected by shields.
Balance Guide - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
Oct 23, 2008 · It grants you an extra power pip at the start of every fight and makes battles go much more quickly and allows you to usually cast Power Play or a minion on turn one. Blade Stacking: The way the game does the math for damage enhancers makes activating more than one damage booster increadiably lucrative.
Balance Gear for Early Wizards? - Wizard101 Central
Dec 3, 2010 · +288 Health, +5% Power Pip, +10% Balance Hit, +14% Balance Resist Dropped by: Oyotomi the Defiler in Village of Sorrow-Boots: Death Oni's Introverted Shoes +96 Health, +4% Power Pip, +5% Balance Hit, +8% Balance Resist Dropped by: Death Oni in The Tree of Life-Athame: Shoji's Athame +192 Health, +144 Mana Dropped by: Shoji in Shirataki Temple
Tactics for younger Balance Wizards? - Wizard101 Central
Dec 6, 2009 · However, they seem to be targeted at more established players, and are very dependent on items that come much later in the game. Does anyone have suggestions for newer Balance players - Level 25 or under - who can have only 3 copies of each spell in their deck, don't have Spectral Blast, don't have Hex, don't have Feint, don't have Re-shuffle ...
Balance 2-pip bubble - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
Dec 9, 2010 · My thoughts would be that the balance bubble would make all balance spells cost 1 pip less to cast. It would be helpful for all levels of wizards still be unique buff and wouldn't result in a flood of complaints about needing a balance specific shield. Though power play needs a rework as it's useless in pvp and pve.
How to Level Your Pets Up Fast! - Wizard101 Central
May 28, 2010 · Everyone gets bored of playing games and paying to get their energy refilled. This guide will hopefully help. Step 1-Practice Makes Perfect Try each game. See what games most improve what stats. What games are you good at? What can you get major points on? Step 2-Review Your Resources Can you afford to spend crowns to refill your pet points?
Storm Wizard Tips and Tricks - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 …
Aug 24, 2009 · In the mid game, my opinion is more mixed as you could get Vampire, but 4 pips is expensive and can probably be better used for casting Storm spells. I would highly recommend getting Dream Shield as it's a good shield when fighting Life enemies, who will often use Myth attacks as well. Balance A lot of people go Balance for Weakness and Reshuffle.
"Game Patch Notes, Jan. 22nd, 2025" - Wizard101 Central
Game Patch Notes, January 22nd, 2025, from the Wizard101 website: https://www.wizard101.com/game/updates. 670840 670841 6
All school pros and cons - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
Jun 6, 2012 · Pros: Defense to all schools,except balance,can raise power pip chance with bubble, can use elemental trap or blade to increase hydra damage greatly or can use spirit blade or trap to increase chimera damage greatly, good accuracy, great support school. Cons: Harder to master than other schools. No opposite meaning no prisms.
Going solo: a guide to soloing! - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 …
Jun 7, 2012 · Middle/ranging(schools that either are in the middle, or that sometimes are on either list): balance, death, life, fire. For middle health schools, decide your own strategy based on minions, or what you feel up to. Small Multi-hit: This deck …