법무법인 김앤배, Kim & Bae, P.C. Attorneys at Law, 뉴욕, 뉴저지 …
Kim & Bae, P.C., a leading Korean American law firm, attorneys, representing clients in New York and New Jersey - Kim & Bae, P.C., a U.S. law firm, focuses on litigation in international trade, securities arbitration, corporate law, commercial law, contract law, real estate law, bankruptcy law, and more. Our team of specialized attorneys, with ...
김봉준 파트너 변호사 B.J. KIM - Kim & Bae
B.J. Kim is a founding partner of Kim & Bae, PC. Mr. Kim’s areas of expertise include sophisticated corporate and commercial litigation, domestic and international commercial transactions, real estate, contracts, acquisitions, commercial collections and complex litigation involving fraud, contract and defamation matters.Mr. Kim also has wide experience in business …
About Us - Kim & Bae, P.C.
Kim & Bae P.C. ranks in top 14 for largest lawsuits in New Jersey. According to the Top 30 New Jersey State Judgment Compensation in 2014 published by the New Jersey Law Journal, in winning $4 million, Kim & Bae ranked 14th and 2nd in contract-related disputes.
Welcome Kim & Bae, P.C.
Kim & Bae, PC was created in 2003 with the merging of Kim & Associates, P.C. and Bae & Associates, P.C. Kim & Associates, P.C. was founded in 2001 centering its practice in Hackensack, New Jersey while Bae & Associates, P.C. was founded in 1995 located in New York, New York. Through the merger, Kim & Bae created a unique blend of legal talent ...
Corporate and Commercial Litigation Attorney Fort Lee - Kim
“I strongly recommend Kim & Bae Law Firm. They have been instrumental in providing our family with legal advise and execution was both timely and professional. But that is not the reason for my strong recommendation. The staff and legal team in all our communication and encounter was very personable and compassionate to our needs.
로펌 소개 about us - 법무법인 김앤배 로펌 ... - Kim & Bae
법무법인 김앤배는 1995년 뉴욕 맨하튼에서 법률 서비스를 시작한 Bae & Associates, P.C.와 2001년 뉴저지 헤켄섹에서 시작한 Kim & Associates, P.C.의 합병을 통해 2003년 발돋움 했습니다. ... 김앤배는 설립 7년을 맞이해 불우한 고아를 돕는 자선단체인 Kim & Bae Foundation을 ...
BJ Kim - Kim & Bae, P.C.
B.J. Kim is one of the founding partners of Kim & Bae, PC, and is an expert in sophisticated corporate and commercial litigation, domestic and international commercial transactions, real estate, contracts, acquisitions, commercial collections, and complex litigation involving fraud, contract, and defamation matters.
Attorneys - Kim & Bae, P.C.
With a dedicated team that possesses unique experiences and skills, Kim & Bae is fully capable of handling sophisticated tasks and tackling even the most complex legal issues. B. J. Kim. Partner. Christine Bae. Partner. CARLTON ASHER, JR. Attorney. LISA DAVENPORT. Attorney. ANDREW MILLER. Attorney. ADAM SCHNEIDER. Attorney. DEMETRIOS PAVLOU.
Attorney Lawyer 배문경 변호사 Christine Bae 뉴욕 ... - Kim & Bae
Christine M. Bae is a founding partner of Kim & Bae, PC. Ms. Bae’s areas of expertise include broker-dealer and securities arbitrations, commercial transaction, commercial litigation, and anti-trust cases. Ms. Bae has tried cases and represented many clients in securities arbitrations against UBS Painewebber, Inc., Merrill Lynch, Pierce ...
위치 및 연락처 contact - 법무법인 김앤배 로펌 변호사 Kim & Bae, …
오시는 길 및 연락처. 더 많은 정보나 기타 사항에 대해 상담 및 문의가 필요하실 때는 아래의 이메일이나 전화로 연락주시고, 혹은 오른쪽 아래 코너에 있는 message us 버튼을 누르셔서 컨택트폼으로 연락주시면 저희 로펌셀폰에 즉시 문자로 전송되는 무료 서비스를 통해 좀 더 빠른 소통을 하실 수 ...